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Name:Brandiii =D
aqee : shhhhhh =x
Yelloww is Tha Shitt Duhhh * !
iLoveeeeeee UGGs !!!****:)
iHave a Twin, Her name is JADA !
&+ shes Also my BESTIE in the wholewideword !
iLiveee in queeeeeeeensssss
Thts All for Noww . BYEEEE ♥
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Special Someone
WeLL FiiRsT Of AlL SHe'S Ma TWiiN OfCoUrS i HaVe To SaY SoMeTHiiNg NiCe[SHe WoULd KiiLL Me] LoLz iiM KiiDiiNg BuT SHe'S THe BeSt TWiiN EVeR AnD SHe LOoks JuSt LiiKe Me So i CaNt SaY ii LoOkS BeTTeR L O L.
- YoUr TWiiN BRaNDii.
My Wish List
Gucci Supra's [female]RippedJeans1[Thicky]diamond earrings[Nova] Triple Hearts N{DG}Diamond Collar Choke
:S: Black Denim Vest*sl* Plat Heels~black.T. Gld Diamond Bamboozx}U{ Sexy StylinVintage Cutie in Blue
!Aire! Chili w/Heels*CS* Night Ropekini[ND]Sophia Azabache-D- True Black ItsumiJuicy Teddybear necklace
*OD*Creamy Abercrombiespacerspacerspacerspacer

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