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Welckumme too muh paqqee. nd leave a messaqee wenn yhuu ckome on heree.. buhht just tahh let yhuu kno wehnn i ckome tahh yhur paqe nd dont leave anyyy "loveee" dont sayy nuhtiin!!!!! cosz yhu aint left me -ish..! Havee funn enviiyin muh paqe XD lolx.
Uhmmz.. {[Ihmma makee disz shortsz cosz i dont feelsz like tellinq my whole life storriiy..]} Soooo firstt uv all muh name isz Venusz nd i am 15 yearsz old.! Ihh reside in the state of Mississippi.Nd uhmm a very funn nd bubbly person tahh be round. I love tah make new frwndz buhh if yhu ackkt a azss witdd mee yhu bestaa beliieve i come bahqq 10x harderr..! Uhmm.............. iThink dahtsz all i feel like typin riqht now. Lolx. XD byezz[♥]

>>>>↓Th3 Sp3CiAlZZZ↓
There iszz Alott off Peoplee daht qoesz here .! lolx. soo i dont feel like typinq demm all buht here isz deh main onez..! Ihf i forqot yhu nd yhu feel daht yhu important den Tell me..! Otherwise shudd yhur effin mouth.! Okayy dese are dehh one that i fudqee witdz XD lolx. [♥} y'll. Oh yeaah dere isz noo specific orderrr!
Dis is de momxz. [♥}
I justt lovee me somee mee.!!!!!!!! Yayeeyy meee. XD lolx [♥}
Disz is dah crazii &*^ sis.! [♥}
*couqh* Disz is a uhmmm "Special" brotherr.. -*XCupcakebabii: *DOUBLE couqh* diz isz a VERY "Special" -*iiswaqqasosiqq: Disz is de sis i have ben haviin for a lonqqq timee. [♥}
shee isz a crazii frwnnd i have benn knoo for as lonqestt i ckan remeber.!
ihh supportt muhself XD - Commin Soon!!!!!-
Ih am who i am Yhu ckan Take it or leave itd..! Ckum nd show love . No Silent Visitsz Allowed..!!!!!! [{♥}]] -paqiie under construcktiuhn!!!-
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