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Fuck Imvu
.......................................... !!!Rules And Other SHit!!! ........................................... Ok First...sometimes i leave My imvu online and if i dont get back to you just message me ...and i dont like fuckin people askin for credits or other shit,...i just hate people who ask for shit..! TRUTH but IM NOT a imvu fan so if i visit yo page without saying any- thing...dont get mad and pissy talkin bout leave i fuckn.... i dont gotta leave a fuckin message...FUCK YOU!! you cant tell me shit to do ...sec thing is...My products are hella old so if you still wanna buy that trash thats on you hahaha,..sec agian AND THIS THE MOST IMPORTENT!!! I DONT FUCKIN DAT ON IMVU BUT I Flurt BUT DAT DONT MEAN SHIT IF IM ALL OVER YO ASS..IMVU DATEN IS A BUNCH OF BULL SHIT...HAHAHA forreal forreal
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Add my other imvu name witch is Devintyler..! dats my other name i use for other things i geuss
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NAME: jj dats all you need to know // AGE: 10+5-1=14 // B-DAY: IN JUNE // FReshPRince da comp. name but real name but call me jj //Live: IN belleville ILLinois //Grade: im UP in 8th/// I love all mah fam and friends and Mah > HATTERS < and da fans!! // NO HOMO // got plenty to go around now watch the money orbit and and I got so much swag I need an ad for it .. // not at home all da time. so u allways no wats up.. .be chillin wit dem nikkasz //Status: Go wit some1 in real life and dont date on imvu///School: iGO TO West Jr. Hight School now.. but i still spit fire .. you nikkas wood to mee! // Im allways on dat txten spot so if u no da nubba TXT it /.. hit me up on myspace or mah cell. .. IjerkSolo. ....lil wayne say he more anamale then the zoo aload hahah dat nikka crazy ,,, I stop maken product cuz imvu fuckin lame...!

[Y.JJ] dead arms[Y.JJ] Phesh and fine[Y.JJ] ABERCROMBIE[Y.JJ]D.H hate my swag[Y.JJ] Aeropostale[Y.JJ] white Hollister.
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