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My Search is over, at last! Ty, My Love...for having a true heart. For your honesty, your loyalty,and most of all, for your heart! While in my care, I vow to treat it with the utmost respect, to love it and cherish it, for as long as you give it to me for. To a new begining, a new life, and my new LOVE! I love you baby!!!!IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/2356/snapshot087ok9.png[/IMG]
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Avatar since: 09/06/07

Age: 62
United States - NY
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I have met an my angel
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
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Look People,,, I am not knocking your sexual appetites,.. i don't judge anyone, be what you want. roll play all you want . In fact i am a true believer in foreplay of the mind. It is the most intense erotic prelude to love making. I believe with the right person i am the best.. When i say the right person, i am talking with my Best friend , my soulmate. I Traded in My L years ago when Love meant LUST. I have changed so much since then,..now i LUST for LOVE. To be loved and to love back.. The high's, of all high's . You see when you Fall in Love with a man or woman who's passion is uncontrollably seductive... add Romance to it. Thats my Fantasy! Thats my turn on. See if that woudn't be your favorite drug of choice.. Its the only drug i need. I live, and i will die searching for it. Ty for taking the time to read this.... Tony

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There are so many people in this world who i feel have the bad case of the Zombee's.. What i mean by this , is that they have chosen to live amongst the living dead. I too once chose that path of life. The choice to not feel, so that you cannot hurt, is an easy way to survive. By hiding from your past , so as to avoid potential pain from both the present and future, classifies you as this type person. Those who choose drugs , Drinking, or anything else as a crutch not to feel.. have chosen there path to walk this world aimlessly.. They will never allow themselves to be loved or love another for fear of pain.. This self instilled fear, will shut down all your senses.. it will cause self destruction, till one day your desire to live will diminish. Choose the right path for yourself.. Allow yourself to feel the pain, work through it and gain strength!!! Gain back yourself . You will no longer deny yourself pain from fear... you will learn more about yourself. You will let yourself recieve lifes fruit in abundance. You will learn a confidence, not a false confidence built from denial. You will back your desire and will to live. You will learn to love yourself and then learn how to love others.. and unexpectedly let others love you. This reward , that you owe to yourself, will help you survive.. Stop the lies to yourself.. it will hurt you and eventually others. Enjoy the future you give to yourself, because no one else will! Start with you. We all have pain we locked up inside.. when something comes up that reminds us of it , our normal reaction is to react. If we dealt with it head on ... yes it hurts, yes it sucks... but the end result is we live on.. we don't die inside. We stay human. We wont deny ourselves our right to feel, our God given breath of life! Our right to feel and to love or be loved. We will then find true Happiness in lifes rewards. No nothing comes easy, you can do this , you will overcome.. you will become sensitive towards your own needs and desires allowing you also to be sensitive of others, by not becoming overwhelmed by there needs plans or dreams. I did it, and i will continue to live, to love, to now strive everyday towards a most common goal.. ( not only to love and be loved, but to love myself enough to let it happen!...). A heart is a terrible thing to waist!! Signed ... The ex-living dead!! Tony
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[H] The Winter Estate(L) Animated Cuddle BedModern Kitchen SetRoman Style House BundleBGS CHAIR WITH 4 POSES
T3 Essence Terrace Pool[my]Animated Latin DanceBath ToiletLuxury BeverlyHills Home[my]Vacation Dream Villa
Deluxe snow sunset homeOG/LogVictorian{D2F}W/MarblePoolTablespacerspacer

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