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Avatar since: 2007-08-08
Age: 34
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
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Amazing rightt

Blaze Opal Fritz
18 years on earth
Being Unique is overrated
experience as much as possible because that’s what its all about. what if there were no dates no deadlines just endless days that seem to restart as soon as the sun goes down and begin once again as soon as the sun comes up. the mark of the day doesn’t begin with sleep but with the sun coming up. you got the chance to do and experience as much as possible without ever worrying about “running” out of time. that time just became a figure of speech and you had no worries, time wasn’t killing us second by second each day. life is just about how many things you get to experience, like one giant check list. feel something different. stay positive and strong at the end of each day, it’ll all be worth it in the end. you may not understand why everything is happening the way it is but it’ll make sense in the end. everything worth having isn’t easy to get. do what makes you happy. we'll get there our own way.
Relationship Status: Single
My Wish List
(ZF) Black Septum*Pc* Grey SneakersANN Sunshine Dress PINKRP. Cute Bra Topspacer
Special Someone
BlazeHottie has no special someone.
too weird to live; too rare to die. they look at us as the dying generation ending up nowhere only facing a dead end wall. where did things go so wrong. they forget to look at what made us this way. pointing your fingers at us when it should be turned around. we end up becoming the person we hate, a waste to the world but not yourself; driving us to the high point. everything always changes even when you say things wont, you can be so sure of one thing but all it takes is a second and its different, just like that, loosing the beliefs you once held dear to. you end up doing what you promised yourself you wouldn’t in a million years, and you always become what you swore you would never be. what examples do we have to look upon? the world is a rank on how far you are on the scale with your objects that are nothing but to label our placement, a house is merely a place to put all our things in that give us measly artificial happiness for the time being till we end up going to the next. it all starts from the inside, its never too late to change things around but fear of rejection and failing; you keep yourself one step ahead by not even trying. what if someone saw you the first time for their last time today? what would they see? how would their eyes see you? is this how you would want their first impression and their last of you to be? how would you be behaving? what would you be putting on? and how would you look? its never too late. all in good time. take each day as it comes. we end up how we are suppose to for a reason, we learn different things for our own strength, everything that happens makes us who we are; would you really want to change that.

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