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My Adoring Mistress!
Denathil, the Mutt, the Mongrel
"As the wolf howls to the moon in his lonely solitude, so howls this mutt in worship of his Goddess, in honor of his Empress, and in submission and awe of his Mistress."
Denathil is a human with an inhuman sense of the world. Prefering to be called Mutt by those few close to him, he at one point had been the Alpha Male of a small rag tag pack of like minded individuals. After years of fighting to hold his place he grew tired and left the others in search of someone daring enough to tame him. It was several years of searching among mortals, the few daring to try, fine women all of them, were left broken into submission by his will. For a time he stood as the unchallenged Lord of his own manor, until he caught wiff of her.
Lady Grace Greymantle. A vampress of high standing. When they first met, she was with another and so he could not bring himself to serve her, but then the fates were in his favor. As time went on, she parted from her companion and made note of the hound's eagerness to be at her side. Finally she gave him a collar... Himself putting it on.

After a short time in her service, she sought to have him challenge her daring, the very thing that drove him wild about her... In the process he removed the symbol of her ownership and let it fall, his heart shattering at the sound of it hitting the ground, scarring the metal. After fitful moments he bowed before her as this time she snapped the clasp around his throat, his heart back in place.

At her side the proud canine-minded human strives to please her and show others why her pets are only that of perfection: Because she is.
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Avatar since: 2007-08-16
United States - LA
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"Talk away, I'm here to listen."

See My Albums (1)

Hello, the name is Mutt. To go into detail of who or what I am will only draw out... "I'm Mutt." Deal with it. I am an open book in regards to what can be asked and so forth. Now, it is not hard to gather my attention if you are willing to do some simple things. 1: Speak English. While I do not mind the lols and rofls of the chat world, I will not stomach the butchering of the language to the point of "HAY how r u". I have an education, and as you can see from my blog it is a literate one of which I am very proud of.
2: Have an interesting profile. Bland, every day profiles are boring. Now, you don't need stickers and fancy crap to make a great profile page. Some simple pictures can be slid into it thanks to HTML (google it if you need to). If you are so lazy as to have left your headline bland saying... Hi! Don't waste my time, you are uncreative and likely will bore me before any real conversation can be spiked up.
3: Be mature. Look people life is about living, not moping about feeling sorry for yourself. If the only thing you have to talk about is how pathetic you feel, or how you are about to cry because of some stupid little thing that won't mean a damn in the long run (e.g. Your boyfriend wouldn't answer his phone after thirty tries. And if that describes you ffs give the poor lad a break before you kill his phone battery with missed call beeping.) Don't come into a chat instantly asking if I'm single or taken, it really isn't any of your business if I am just meeting you, and if you've known me for awhile you'd know the answer, it is a ridiculous question as this is a social network not a dating service.
4: Be born no later then 1991 of todays date. (be 16 ^) Sorry any younger and the generation gap gets ridiculous, if you feel that you don't meet this and can show that you are worth talking to kiddo, I'll give you one shot, but better stick to 3 and BE MATURE, there's no such thing as kooties after all.
5. DO NOT BEG I will REPORT you. IGNORE you, and BLACKLIST you for all my friends. If you are that desperate for credits... Play the freespin daily, and EVERY day look at the New Products page(50points a day) So what it it takes awhile, you get to not look like a moron and still get the item you wanted.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
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Ok, now to see if anyone's paying attention... I WILL NOT TALK TO ANYONE UNDER 15! AND 90% OF THE TIME NO ONE UNDER 18! I WILL NOT BUY YOU CREDITS, MY MONIES BACK THE HELL OFF! NO BEGGING, NO CHAIN LETTERS, unlike everyone else I am putting your warning HERE to see how friggin stupid you are going to be, WARNED.*points to the period*
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