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mm. Dorada HeadChainWheat TimbsS U P E R B ! F⚓ Cory Ripped RLS~Nella~Jeans Short(RLS)
ϻ|College x Brand~A: Intense Slim#. Nike Golfing Jacket.ॐ casual fit.[LC] Imperfect Mascara
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Avatar since: 2007-05-28
Age: 30
المملكة المتحدة
آخر دخول للموقع:

"I licked it so it's mine .. 🦄🦄"

See My Albums (1)

Email Me Pleasee :]
Our friends would all make fun of us, .
And we'll just laugh along because,
We know that none of them have felt this way,
I Can Promise You.
That By The Time That We Get Through
The World Will Never Ever be The Same..
And Your To Blame.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
Special Someone
My Best Friend, i Love Her, Shes Like a Sister. :) xxx
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