Goliathon Avatar since: 2006-03-22 رجل
Age: 42
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
آخر دخول للموقع:
"I love LUCENDIA!!" See My Albums (1)
Relationship Status: Married Looking For: Friendship
LuLu you are the song in my Heart that keeps it beating. Your LOVE is my lifes BLOOD without I would not go on.I know all this makes me sound woosy but I don't care since MY words are from in my HEART you are my everything & oh so much more.. Words alone can never express that which dwells in my HEART for you. Be with me for now & for always & Beyond you & with soar of wings of LOVE from here to eternify.
I Love Baby that will never change I shall say it each day 1000 times until U know it's TRUE.