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Avatar since: 2005-07-25
Age: 34
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
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Hey Shortys herre... hey im Amy, im 4ft 11, and i goto Minisink High Skewl, Im Currently A Junior,
and I love chillin at the mall with my peeps!
i have an awesome boyfriend Will
aim me at ADreamAwayFrmDay, or missinpuzulpeace

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To My Grandma, My Best Friend, The One i will always look up to for help...
R.I.P. Grandma Mama, july 24th 2006..
i will miss you, and i will never forget the days i spent making you laugh.
i will never forget the time you forgot to take the plastic off the note pad, the nites we spent making pancakes, and ill still pass on the gravey..
i will never forget the time i tried to paint your nails... great job i did huh? well im getting better..
tic tac toe while waiting for the cable man, that wasnt too long ago, you were so much better at hangman then me too. staying up late watching movies..
i wont forget going shopping with you and mom, we needed 2 carts everytime it was great.. but unloading the groceries was the hard part,
eating them was easy :D you always had the good stuff.. looking at my pictures while in the waiting room ,and then ill sit their for an hour or two while ur in with the doc.
coming home from the dentist with funny stories to tell... i cant believe you thought i actually kicked and bit two docters...
well we both know how much we dislike them so its easy to think that way... christmas time with your chocolate covered cherries..
so many memz grandma..
that i will have to remember you.. i wont for get i promis..
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"every point that you make has a point, even if the point that your pointing out is pointless"
"everything happens for a reason, then whats the reason for me?"
"everything happens for a reason and its memories can last a life time"
"no one dies a virgin, life screws us all"
"my mom said im a retard magnet, so i sprayed my house with retard repellent, and then i couldnt getinside"
"if loving was a crime, i would be in jail for life"

Quotes from my cheshire cat:

Cheshire Cat: Oh, by the way, if you'd really like to know, he went that way.
Alice: Who did?
Cheshire Cat: The White Rabbit.
Alice: He did?
Cheshire Cat: He did what?
Alice: Went that way.
Cheshire Cat: Who did?
Alice: The White Rabbit.
Cheshire Cat: What rabbit?
Alice: But didn't you just say - I mean - Oh, dear.
Cheshire Cat: Can you stand on your head?
Alice: Oh!
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+My Baby - Will+center>
+My Sis-Kate+

+Air Cow boy 3-Greg+

+My Ship Mate-Annie+

+My Yoga partner-Tara+

+My Girl-Shelly+

+My other me-Sophie+

+My Bitch-Jourdan+

+that sexy one-joan+

+the annoying-Gina+

+that girl-Kirstin+

+Allie-did it+

+the strange-Angie+

+stop poking me-Greg+

+get off my sn-Nick+

+waffles anyone?-Josh+

+your not sexy-Joe+

+Cindy-we all kno its carlos+

+Lyss-rox my sox+

+Shay-down with taras+

+Christy-or is it kirsty+

+yes ur invited-Andrew+

+Torhay-is smellhay+

+Jackie-is awesum+

+boycot taras-Ashley+
Bicycle man Graham

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+PineApple - Shelly

+Bananna - Ryan

+Orange- Kara

+Mango- Nina

+Raspberry- Mitch

+Lemon- Amy

+Lime- Adam

+Grape- Kayla

+Pear- Tim

+Peaches- Manwhore Mike

+Watermelon - Melissa

+StrawBerrie- Sarah Nicole

+Apple- Alan

+Cantelope- Julio

+Cherrie- Heather

+Kiwi- Katelyn

+BlueBerrie- Dorothy

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click my dragons :} plz, get some here and ill return the favor www.dragcave.net Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

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