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The best bro i could ever ask for i love him so much he always there for me when i need him his country ass keep me laughin he a real nigga the realist i ever met so far he dont sugar coat shit when he tellin me things he dont lie to me everytime i got a problem he make it his problem to no matter who its wit what can i say i love him cause he dont give a fuck he hold me down always and immma do the same no matter what PERIOD
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[8O8] F.L.I.R.T. *anim*(PT)LRG short fit (GA)[SD] HOTTIES SEASON 3!!{BB}PleasurePink[BH]Yellow Heels
aYY-Cross Diam Necklacem|r Cool Black[XF] Black JumpSuitAoP PlatSpike Snd Lusty[SD]Charming GIRLZ! =D
~pw[bh] derivable beltLIZ Tania boots[MG] Pink panties!MzV!Wild Queen Honey Blspacer

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