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Avatar since: 07/31/07

Age: 38
United States - NY
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BRonX Love/Tough Thugs/Killa *****
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
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Ashes 2 ashes, Dust 2 dust, In blood we trust, In ckrabz we bust, If u kill a ckrab u win a prize, If u kill a blood ur whole family dies!! and remember blue birds cant fly, In da red bloody hell, 5 poppin 6 droppin, 5 flyin 6 dyin, 5 pimpin 6 trippin, 5 bukin 6 dukin, 5 komin 6 runnin, 5 flaggin 6 draggin, 5 rippin 6 drippin, Let it rain let it drip, Bust a ckrab in da lip, Let it fall, let them trip, Flip da clip and drop a crip. Bloods are red, ckrabs are flue, disrespect my set and we ckomin 4 u,BRAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!
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NOW I LAY DOWN 2 SLEEP N 2 KEEP, THA RED RAG NEAT, IF I DIE B 4 I WAKE, LET ME KILL EVERY CKRAB 2DAY, AMEN. LeT iT rAiN LeT iT FLOOD, KiLL A cKRiP NoT A BLOOD, FLiP Da cKLiP DRoP A cKRiP, n ThRoW a 5tOnE LeT iT 5KiP, WaTcKh a BLOOD KiLL a cKRiP HaVe nO FeAr, Da BLOOD5 i5 hErE, LeT a BLOOD hAvE rAgE, PuT a cKRiP iN Hi5 gRaVe,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B`5 Up C`5 dOwN, 5 PoPPiN` 6 DRoPPiN,` 5 BucKiN` 6 DucKiN`, 5 FLyiN` 6 DyiN`, 5 FLaGGiN` 6 DRaGGiN, 5 cKLiPPiN 6 DRiPPiN`, 5 cKoMMiN` 6 RuNNiN`, 5 PiMpiN` 6 LiMpiN`, 5 LeAviN` 6 BlEeDiN`, 5 PuMpiN` 6 DuMpiN`, 5 BaNgiN` 6 HaNgiN`, 5 5mOkiN` 6 cKhOkiN`, 5 aLiVe` 6 WiLL DiE`, 5 RiDe` 6 HiDe`, 5 BaLLiN` 6 FaLLiN`, 5 ThUgGiN` 6 HuGgiN`, 5 HeAd5` 6 DeAd`, 5 KiLL` 6 5PiLL`,~~~ 5hOt a cKRiP iN Hi5 HeAd, LeT a cKRiP B 5cKaReD, ThRoW My GuN iN Da AiR, TeLL a cKRiP B aWaRe, cKAUSE WE CKUMIN
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