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*Sometimes there can be found the most special light, in the deepest of darkness.*
~Again I Live!~ ::Rolling thunder crackles in the background::
The Streets and Castles of Salem, Mass
~ Tides of forever, turn in the mist...a devil's taunt, angel's kiss...Where I haunt, no one may know, but indeed you will see me...from below. I am so glad to be back in my true element. I have always found a wonderful nature about this town...
My top ten video RPGs of all time
*1*: Final Fantasy 6 ( Otherwise known as FF3 in the US, by Squaresoft )
2: Ultima 7 Part 2: The Serpent Isle (Origin )
3: Ultima 6: The False Prophet ( Origin )
4: The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (Bethesda Softworks )
5: The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall ( Bethesda Softworks )
6: ~Sacred~ ( A wonderful Diablo 2 style RPG, by Ascaron Entertainment )
7: Lunar: The Silver Star ( Sega CD version, by Working Designs )
8: Wild Arms 3 ( Sony Entertainment Corp )
9: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night ( Konami )
10: Breath of Fire 2 ( Capcom )
( This list may be subject to change, as I have played so many games, and been under so much duress lately, that I am not fully thinking clearly. )
Lover of the Night and of the undead, I seek to find that which is lost within the shadows of time eternal. Hunting the mysteries of our ancestors as well as for those about yet to become, we shall seek to find another eternity, lost within the shadows...of our minds. Invictus Requiem Status of the Completion of Castle Tir Narath Dais Thou hast to be in jest...Ye think it wise to venture within such a place as this?
~Garden Area and Courtyard- Conservatory of Decadence ( Room used- SB Courtyard Castle ) : Possibly this shall contain a rare and lavish garden from the ancient woodlands of the elven folk. There is a dark foreboding about this area however and the ghastly lights that emanate from the castle seem to wash with midnight gloom about these haunted-looking grounds -Under Construction, just purchased.
~Clock Tower- Chronomantic Interum ( Not Purchased yet as it is a new idea ) : After much thought and deliberation I finally decided to add my own "Hall of Time" as it were. This will be a rather difficult undertaking however since there are currently no pieces for a large time tower such as this will be. I will improvise however and have already decided to use torture wheels as cogs for example.
~Entry Hall- Hall of Eternal Dusk ( Room used- Castel ): The greeting area for any visitors to the castle, though some may not wish to venture within, for the architecture is crumbling and foreboding. This area is aptly named for the rays of golden twilight that seem to eternally filter through the large cathedral windows which adorn the hall, basking everything in a sort of gilded radiance. -Finished for now, with batty friends added as well ^^ heeeee VvvV.
~Great Hall- Litany of Sorrows ( Room used- Dark Castle by D Sour ): A meeting area for the Vampiric Court and its guests, those that are unfortunate enough shall be placed upon the walls of the aged fortress to be watched by the musing vampyre, as they scream out laments before becoming "dinner"-Under Construction, nearly completely furnished and doors to the East and West wings have been added.
~East Wing- Passages of the Unforgiven: ( Room used- Vlad Dracul's Castle by Aineula ) The lighter side of the castle. This is used for teaching and instruction of all those that reside within, and those that shall become potentially useful allies. -Under Construction and will include most likely: Melee training area, Study, Library, and a possible alchemy lab with wizard studies.
~West Wing- Chambers of Midnight: ( Room used- La Sorciere by Gothic Garden ) Castle Tir Narath Dais in it's unique construction features both the light and darkness of the soul, the West Wing reflects the midnight of one's spirit as well as the aspects of war and decadence. -Just purchased, possibly will include: Torture chamber, Kitchen ( possibly ), Vampire bathing and refreshing area, Armory and Forge
~Castle Sleeping Quarters: A rather large edifice where many of the citizens and otherwise of the castle reside- This shall be extensive with many doors on either side, some of which may or may not be entrances. -Still being planned as a correct room needs to be found to accomodate at least two-four floors of sleeping quarters and housing for castle residents.
~Grand Masque/Ballroom: As implied, a stately hall for dances and masqued balls to be held by all the courtiers of the castle itself. -Not yet constructed, ( unpurchased )
~Ebony Chapel- Seance of the Departed: ( Room used- Dark Church by Mangamoon ) A place of dark ritual- Smaller gatherings are hosted here in toast to the wonderful dissonance of the night. The seance is also often employed for such special inductions as the "birth" of a new vampire ally to Tir Narath Dais. Beneath the chapel itself is also rumored to be an undercroft where the bodies of many left unburied reside. Perhaps another entrance to the Catacombs? None have yet discovered the purpose of this, nor have dared to venture within its depths. -Under Construction, mostly furnished but still needs a little tweaking.
~Forgotten Cathedral- Rose of Time's Dawning: ( Room used- Rose Archway Cathedral from PainsPlayground ) The ruins of what one would think to be an ancient house of worship- This shall be used for grand religious affairs as well as the convening of sacred trysts. -Under Construction, still needs heavy work and furnishings, as well as placement of many windows.
~The Lost Catacombs- Death's Sepulcher: ( Room used- The Ancient Catacombs by Lisa Lioncourt ) Deep within the bowels of Tir Narath Dais reside secrets that no mortals can hear...Ancient curses have kept sealed the lips of any that would venture within, possibly for all eternity. Within the forbidden recesses of these dark passageways is said to reside the last remnants of treasure from ages long past, and supposedly a trapdoor to a place that only the most brave or foolhardy would even dare to tread. -Under Construction, Lightly furnished so far ( Need placeable and poseable skeletons if anything such as that is possible. )
~Barracks: A place to house all the mortal and undead soldiers that comprise Tir Narath Dais's army...Including, but not limited to, death knights and skeletal warlords. -Still being devised ( unpurchased )
~Inner Sanctum- Countess's Chambers ( Room used- Dracula's Lair Animated, by Aineula ): The Countess's personal quarters high atop the lofty towers of the west wing of Tir Narath Dais, within this area are lain many traps and mystical secrets, but mostly she does employ it as a place for entertaining the chosen guests to her saturnine stronghold. -Finished, at least for the time being
~Torture Chamber- Alcove of Inquisition: ( Room used- Moonlight Manor by Vampyre Vyxxen ) A long sealed-off chamber discovered in the west portion of the castle. This hall was once used for the torture of innocents and murderers alike. Within, you can still hear the wails of the forsaken prisoners that died here, as well as the victims of horrible iniquities. -Finished for now at least
~Treasury- Oubliette of Dischord: ( Room used- Oubliette du Vampyre by GothicGarden ) A mystic area that has been sealed by strong bone pillars that have been frozen in stone- This somewhat dank, rectangular, housing holds the secrets to many a forgotten horde of treasure which the Countess had collected through the many years of her life, both adventuring and as a bardic thief. Strong arcane runes and other nastiness surround this area, so caution is advised. -Under Construction, currently being loaded with various treasures and gemstones.
~Doorway to Infinity- The Undercroft of Diamos: ( Room used- KLF Temple of Asteroth, by PopeKael ) The trapdoor beneath Tir Narth Dais in the Lost Catacombs hides a secret that has been undivulged for countless years, and only the correct key will finally unseal what lies beyond. The seal has broken and a cold wind emanates from behind a towering stone door faced with visages of the dead. As it creaks aside, your eyes become adjusted to the baleful light within, the sounds of a rushing waterfall can be heard as a scene of decadence unfolds before your eyes. A great ruined temple of some long-past time seems to dominate this desolate area, dust and what looks to be ancient blood covers much of what remains, but there is only the whisper of the wind to aid your fears. -Near to completion but quite laggy. I need to find a way to perhaps condense the area and still make it workable.
Make sure to listen to some of my more favorite music while you are here too, and I will try to have Midnight Syndicate soon also- Look up on the right side for the Imeem player :) ----->
Dungeons and Dragons Role-playing Information
Full Name: Ka-Rhynayalia Illharan Esvenathae Married Name: Mrs. Ka-Rhynayalia Illharan Zakuto-Aldroth World of Origin: Forgotten Realms, Toril Lineage- Race: Wood elf High-borne Age: Presumably around four hundred and sixty years old. Alternate Forms: ~Feral: Weretigress ( Granted as a boon by a nature spirit that adored her talent for music ) ~Vampire: Matriarch Eyes: ~Natural Color: Emerald with flecks of gold dust ~Feral: Luminescent verdant woods with shimmers of starlight ~Vampiric: Shimmering Amethyst Hair: ~Natural Color: Warm golden auburn ~Vampiric ( optional ) Crimson blood Skin/Complexion: ( Dependent on form but is usually a soft creamy rose haze ) Ht- 5'6-6'4 ( depending on form ) Class: ~True: Thief/Bard, Monk ( Special ), Champion ~Granted: Ice Elementalist, Necromancer Level: Currently Unknown Social Status: Royalty, First princess of Valhariss kingdom
Husband: King of Dustari: Johnathan Tiberius Aldroth ~Devoted~
Sons: Guiseppe, Xziroz, Jace, Garglius, Angel
Daughters: Lilith, Susse, Rosa
Father: King: Tylathis Esvenathae ~Deceased~
Mother: Queen: Lilayanna Esvenathae ~Deceased~
Uncle: Usurper King: Sylanthis Valharan Esvenathae, brother of King Tylathis and jealous usurper to Ka-Rhyn's family throne. He murdered Ka-Rhyn's parents in cold blood one night during the eighth year of her life. At one point he actually succeeded in forcing Ka-Rhyn to marry him, but she thankfully escaped him before he could fulfill the dark desires of his sinister plans. Sylanthis's whereabouts are as of present unknown, having once again arisen from the grave, but he is constantly in pursuit of his forsaken wife and her companions.
Now see what I REALLY am...
Borimier: A human Woodsman from the Forests of Vardenfall. A burly, robust man with a haughty smile but a kind heart, his axe is said to fell a tree with a single stroke, much like the mythical Paul Bunyan.
Thavius: A scholar-like elderly human priest from the town of Shieldtree, his insight and wisdom have been valuable in the battles against the dark paladin and his touch possesses even the ability to raise fallen companions.
Xavier: A wizened human magister, also from the town of Shieldtree. His mysticism was instrumental in allowing Ka-Rhyn to escape the clutches of a dreaded inquisitor within the same town.
Yudmakin: A portly and most jolly demon of Greed and Envy. After meeting with Ka-Rhyn somewhere further along on her quest to defeat the Dark Paladin, he decided to take his portable shop and assist her in the overthrow of this malific evil- besides, he saw a profit in it.
Kami-Doko: Legendary Ninja king of the kingdom of Ishaido in the Hollow World. His teachings brought Ka-Rhyn much wisdom after she had discovered an ancient tome on a secret technique to the Martial Arts, and brought it forth to him.
Tristran: A humble human farmer living on the outskirts of Ishaido. He helped Ka-Rhyn to gain audience with Kami-Doko after she discussed the nature of her quest with him in great detail. Skilled in throwing weapons, Tristran is a force to be reckoned with when given shurikens.
Cid: (Possibly my brother's idea of a joke, but a useful ally nonetheless) Cid is an eccentric dwarf versed in the construction of machines and lava ships. In her quest to help free the Hollow World from the Dark Paladin's eye, Cid assisted Ka-Rhyn in the creation of a lava-borne vessel in order to obtain the rare mineral known as Cyllarium. This was later to be used in forging a weapon of great power.
Cornelius: An aged golden wyrm. Versed in the arcane and of multitudinous patience, Cornelius aided Ka-Rhyn in her journey to the Hollow World after Ka-Rhyn had assisted him with a rather annoying dilemma. The two became fast friends and Cornelius gave Ka-Rhyn a magical ring which allows her to call upon him whenever the need truly arises.
Luther: Much later in Ka-Rhyn's adventures, after the defeat of her ancient and most diabolic uncle, Sylanthis, Ka-Rhyn travelled to the medieval world of Earth where she met part of King Arthur's Court and engaged with his army in a rather titanic air battle against one of the Dark Paladin's lieutenants. Ka-Rhyn met Luther in a nearby kingdom of Ironwall where they needed to make the last stand against Lumbar, one of the Dark Paladin's eight generals. Luther is an honorable human warrior striving to become a knight, born in Camelot proper, he ventured to Ironwall trying to make his living and fame there as a guard.
BrianRavencroft1988 Stars from above, Light from Below
Many the Year, a new life does show,
Bliss of the Heart, that brings forth new rain
And the Strength to rise...Again <3 <3 <3
A dance in the Twilight, a Love from Afar,
Like the most precious, and endless of Star
A clasp to my bosom, I hold here and now
Delight in my warmth, the soulful bestow
Far up above, or down from below
A Love from beyond, the Night and the Dawn
Come forth now, ere before long ~
Twisting soul, set me free <3 <3 <3
Yours in - E-Ter-Ni-Ty <3 <3 <3
A joyous collection of mostly Castlevania musics, now including some even from Curse of Darkness. I just added 40 new music tracks for your listening pleasure, please enjoy VvvV. Note: It seems that some of the tracks, most of those 1-18 ( with a few full ones in between ) seem to be only intros now. Apparently songs from certain albums went into intro mode now, but I am uncertain as to why. I will attempt to discover what happened, however.
A Chill Wind, Christmas in the 13th Month- Morrigan's Haunt: This is something that was rather inspired to creation by the motivations of my friend NeuroD. With a deep mist filling the area, this land is plagued by spirits. Cold, harsh, forbidden, this is the site where Alyara's love was put to rest after her destruction at the hands of the evil demi-god, Black Talon. From that time onward, Alyara swore to revive Shylia at any cost, even of her own life. Niflheim is as unforgiving as it is chilling to the bone, as one can see by the gloomy atmosphere, though perhaps this particular place isn't coated in snow. At times the Lord of Death makes his rounds as well, so any of the still living persuasion need to tread cautiously if possible. Mistress Hel watches this area with a keen eye, since all of death is her domain.
My Friends (57)
Those of the internal court be all welcome to Tir Narath Dais. The night doth come alive with the screams of the virtuous and the souls that hath been plundered, a dark toast befitting all that rule the night from the shadows...~
Welcome on a wing and a prayer to mine haunted hallowed lair...Let us meet sometime and share a tale so sublime, or perhaps a drink that would be fine, of the reddest aged wine...
لا تدع الزوار يفوتونك. كـVIP، يمكنك تكوين إتصالات قيمة اليوم!
I must make this note as well-
Please, do not feel obligated to get me anything on this list. As Castle Tir Narath Dais is an extensive ongoing project, I am constantly seeking new things to outfit the citadel with. This is merely a reference so I can remember everything that I have chosen.
~Dark Dreamings~