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About Me
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Avatar since: 06/08/06

Age: 31
United States - AZ
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We better get Gerard out of the closet..
Hey! I hope I look like a nice person, because I actually am when you talk to me! ^^ Yeah, I'm always up for talking, so if you wanna talk to me, just go ahead and press the button! Also, if you're bored, you can leave me a message or a gift! Hehe, just kidding, but if you like me that much you're welcome to! ^^
And if you talk to me and I don't respond...I'm reeeaaaally sorry. I've been having troubles with my computer lagging. But if that does happen, I will remember your name and I'll get back to yah!

Now actually about me. I guess you could say I'm the girl who's really out there once you get to know her. I've raised a few eyebrows and I plan to raise more. I speak my mind and sometimes I've gotten nit-picky. (Which someone has flamed me for if you read my comments. Thanks Catch, we love you too.) And CrzyAnimeRocker and I are weird, awesome girls, if you're looking for a girlfriend, you could always talk to me or her about it. ^^
My Interests
anime - manga - drawing - singing - escuchar musica - rock - my laptop - friends - candy - imvu
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I remember visiting someone's page and them saying that they're being a giver. And that inspired me to do that too. So right now I'm giving presents to people. If you give me a gift, I will be touched by your generosity. ^^
Zeia Street RoomThe DungeonTiki IslandFlying HawkNamine Summer Blonde
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