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Avatar since: 01/14/06

Age: 45
United States
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Greetings from the Light!

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Once born of the dark
Twice born of the light
I comprehended it not
Until it broke the night
Crashing my deception
Shattered heart of stone
Gave His flesh of conviction
Covered me in His blood

Pouring fourth
Freedom's breath
Broken chains
Sword of my soul
An army to destroy

The voice of the underground
Freedom comes for you
...when you ask...
Eat the plum long forbidden
it is everlasting life

You are about to encounter
~Mariposa Immortale~
{Dancer of The Light}

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I would love to chat with you. If I'm not able to accept your offer at the moment given, do not take a decline as a rejection. It simply means that later would be better, so please try again. Feel free to add me as a friend also, as when I'm up to talking I look through my friends list to see whose on. If you want me to add you as a friend, leave me a message saying you added me! You are most welcome to my realm.
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