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Avatar since: 2007-10-21
Age: 36
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dis gurl like ma lil sista, she studys hard and im proud of her ass, hope she still rememba me wen she is all famous.XD luv yuu sis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
shyt i duno wat id do witout dis mami, i can talk to her bout anythin and we always take da piss outta ppl which craks me up all da time ha,Luvv yu siss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i luv dis mami, she ma twinny and we click like ham and cheese ha, its a laugh wit dis gurl and everynite is party nite wit herr woop,XD luvv yuuu sissss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
dis ma bruda from anotha muddah rite here, he funny az hell nd he got a baby too wich look jus like him XD he likes tellin me secrets wich i do keep.dayme im faithful. Luvv yu bro xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
diss mami is crazy as hell but dats why she in da famXD she da fashion queen and if she dont like wat yu is wearin den lawdd help yu and dont foget dat our fam da sexiest of dem all ayyy luvv yuu sis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ay its streetz mee bruv, he gud wit his scientific advice XD lool, he someone dat i can trust and he da best, luvv yuu bro xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

she da sistahh dat iv neva had lol, she a down to earth gurl,she crazyy like me, she craks me up every dayme time and she iz sumone dat i can relate to XDXD luvv yuu mami xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

she nd glam are da exact same haha, it hard tryin to tell dem apart, dis mami real koo, she luves jokin, laughin along wit ppl, she sumone dats easy to talk to nd dats why we click reallyyy well nd dont foget she part of da sexyyy fam WOO luv yu siss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

brandon XXD i met him befo anyone else nd we goo bakk centuryz, daymee lol,but i taught dat id put him on hea ca he has an impact on me,nd he iz one of the most decent ppl on hea so ty fo jus bein yu, luvv yuu xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

dis is da new edition to da famXD im gladd i met her ca she koo to be wit and she iz crazy jus like me haha cant wait too c wat else she gona doXD luv yuu sisss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ma 2nd daugherrr, i luvv dem bothh equally az any mama doez XD dis gurl iz like her twin and ima ground her ass if she do anythin bad lool, luvvv yuu britt xxxxxxxxxxxx
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