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Avatar since: 2007-09-02
Age: 30
آخر دخول للموقع:

"hello fascination ."

See My Albums (1)

I'm Delfina a.k.a Delly. Thats what all my friends call me. I'm 14, female. I live in Canada. My hobbies are the computer of course, singing, drawing. I live with my parents but not my real dad, he's dead beat. I have a stepfather and a stepbrother. I also have a fatass dog named Sam and he's a minicher pinscher. My cat is named Perogie, don't ask I'm not the one who named her, my stepbrother did. I listen to rock, punk, alternative, indie, electronic and some other stuff. Chat with me if you want to get to know me better (:
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship

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