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Avatar since: 07/03/07

Age: 40  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - TX
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Nobler in the mind
Hello and welcome to my IMVU Homepage. I come online to chat; about anything really. I mainly come online to either play the comic fool, or dive into some serious roleplay. I play as male and female characters. Why? I'm not entirely sure, but perhaps some deep psychological reason might be to understand who I truly am. I am a good person, and perhaps, that's all you really need to know.
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Special Someone
To glimpse the soul behind the mask, is a glorious thing indeed. For what is more beautiful, than that to see who a person truly is. Nevermore a collection of pixels and muted words, but a being with mind and love, alas the sanity.
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Court of Ravnos

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The Ravnos Vampire Clan

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