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TeenLeo.15.5'6!(: *iGREW!*Straight.careful;carefree.Lover.Hater.phsyco.poltritarian.Confused.SmartassCurserSweet;Sensative.Non-perfectionistRomantic-ish.Music Junkie.Leader.Non-artistic.Influenced.Easily distracted.Easily broken;Easily fixed.Closet Poet.Hugger.Cuddler.Taken.lovedin love with the most amazing guy in the world(:.ChillSkipper.The one you'll love to hate.Sammi.
One day, iWILL marry Lady GaGa. (: -;A few facts, shall we? • Ovbiously, i'm in love with ladygaga. She is such an inspirational artist, an amazing person alone, an amazing singer/songwriter. And imean...come on, shes hot.(: • When ifinish high school, iplan to go to college, get my degree and shit, and figure out what the hell i'm gunna' do with my life. • I'm not a perfectionist, ifinish things at the last minute & i'm horrible with decisions. • i'm probably bi-polar but too chicken shit to go to the doctor because ihate doctors. • When itell you something-imean it. Dont question it. I'm not a fake person; Sure, ilie. Who doesn't? So don't try to frame my ass as the bad guy when i "lied" 'cause you're lying through your teeth right there. (; everyone's a contradiction-a hypocrite. Get over it. • ido try my best and live a drama-free life. if you try to start shit with me, i'm not gunna' feed into your hunger 'cause people who start shit are just hungry, vicious, ugly, manipulative, stupid people. (: ihave my own problems. But i'm not yelling at YOU am i? • iwas a grown up before iwas a teenager. i've had "street smarts" since iwas a little girl, and my common sense is more then common. i've had to deal with alot of shit in my life, and igrew from it. • iknow my boundries. iknow when it's party time, and when it's time to be serious. i'm only a bitch if you mix those two together at the same time. • I'm a shy person when you first meet me. And if half the people who know me or barely know me now, seen the real me-it'd be two different people they've experienced. • ilove music. maybe one day, you's will be paying to see me? i'm hoping for it. • ican dance to any and every song, and ido. we can dance together. -just none of that slow shit. my adreneline is pumpin'(: • if icould, i'd eat tijuana flats everyday. (; • i'm a very random person and imight just have terrets. • im in love with scary movies. Or any movie, really. (as long as miley cyrus, the jonas brothers, or robert pattinson is in it-i'll watch it.) i'm terrified of the SAW movies, though. So no, iwont watch them with you. i'll cry the whole time. or just scream. (: • idont fucking have a favorite color! damn that angers me.; ihave t h r e e favorite colors. though idont favor any color, really. (except yellow, green, and orange) but it all depends. teal.black.hotpink.-if ihad a room those colors-i'd never come out. MySpace-is lame. Stick-UmAlexx
Alex,you are my absolute everything and icould never picture my life without you.You are the most amazing guy in the whole wide world and iloveyou to death.iwant to spend the rest of my life with you and only you.ilove talking on the phone to you everyday and just hearing you smile(:your giggle-the cutestyour smile-the sweetestyour eyes-the most mesmerizingyour touch-the most gentle.ilove absolutely everything about you.ijust cant imagine a day without any of that.ilove all the times we talk and get into those cute little play fights-giggling the whole time and smiling because your so cute when you get angry...<3&&ilove when we just stay up on those late nights talking about our rocky past and our incredible future.icant wait until ican call you my husband.grow old with you,have a little mini alexander or alexandra ;Dbut for now, iguess fiance will have to do(:Alex,you're my soulmate,my bestfriend,my amazingly adorable, funny,sweet, and caring boyfriendand..you're my future, my future husband.iloveyou, Alex.10|17|09
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|T| Kiss This Outfit|T| Dr. Seuss Outfit|T| Vintage Lingerie Setspacerspacer

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