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About Me }

Name: Grace
Age: 16
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Status: Single
Mood: Tired...

Hello, welcome to my pagie. Before you go on, some things you must know:
1. I don't do IMVU anymore- i'm too busy and i have a life.
2. I love photoshopping, but i'm still an amaeur... basically, i'm terrible at it.
3. I'm actually very friendly.
Anyways... since i'm so busy living life right now, i won't be able to respond to messages quickly. But I will respond to them in the end- however ,if its a "GREAT PAGE" message, i probably won't. if you want me to respond, ask me a question or ask me to reply. I promise i will. :) -updating-

{ Friends }

i love these people.

Piggeh: Eunni, my baby sister IRL.

Allycat12345: Ally, my BESTIEST friend IRL

xNoxInvictusX: Jenny, a bestie from IMVU

Bitter: Xavier, an AMAZING friend from IMVU

Looselips: Cassie, my smexy lezzie partner

Pikachu: Ryoko, my adorable little Pokemon

invisibledork: Jae, my talented amazing older sister

Glow : Tashy, my glowstick in the darkness

Soltin: Karloz, my adorable little Monster

- updating -

{ Requests }


i do requests of avi pics, avi stickers and banners. scroll down for the list of my services. ;]
ll p.s. :: i take tips... ;] ll

- avatar pictures :: [ 300 ~ 500 cr.] Send me a BIG screenshot of your avatar's face. If you can't do screenshots, a picture taken by the IMVU messenger's also fine. Also, send me a description of how you would like the avatar picture to be.

- avatar stickers :: [ 415 ~ 500 cr.] Send me a BIG screenshot of your avatar. If you can't do screenshots, then I can't help you. You MUST have a screenshot. If this is not possible and you wish to chat with me so that I can take the screenshot, thats fine also- however, if we are to do that, then i'll warn you beforehand that i can't get on the IMVU client much. Also, send me a description of how you would like the sticker to look like.

- banners :: [ 400 ~ 800 cr.] Send me a BIG screenshot of your avatar. If you can't do screenshots, then i can't help you. You MUST have a screenshot. If this isn't possible, and you wish to chat with me so that I will take the screenshot, thats fine also- however, if we are to do that, then i'll warn you beforehand that i can't ge ton the IMVU client much. Also, send me a description of how you would like the banner to look like.

