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Avatar since: 2006-09-27
Age: 34
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Love Is Like Life And Hate Is Like Death"

See My Albums (1)

LIKES: Red, black, burlesque, modelling, lipstick, liquid eyeliner, Dita Von Tease, Audrey Kitching, Emilie Autum, music, biting, hearts, stars, roses, photography, stockings, convese, pvc, goths, hardcore kids, piercings and tattoos.
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XxTheLovelyDeathxX has no special someone.
My Wish List
[c] Carrie V.2 - Ivory[c] Fetish nurse - Skin.m. Saemi White Blu Tip.m. Florence Blonde[SC] MAYUNA- Melted Choc
.m. Chisuzu BlackHeartPrincess BoyShorts.Lox. Villith: Dark Brn*L™ Delicacy Girl*L™ Sunset Elektrik
.Lox. Scum Stain V1[7E] 100% ShrugFallen Half-Fur FK Black hair MatLox™ Chiyo: Dark Brown
*D-Blk Noe[m] Black Samira Hair[GB] Panda & baloon <33[m] Black Nami Hair[7E] Sick0 Binder - F

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