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About Me
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Avatar since: 2007-06-16
Age: 36
United States - VT
آخر دخول للموقع:

"I don\'t ever use this anymore...sorry."

See My Albums (1)


She who will befriend anyone

She who will not lie to peoples faces

She who loves her friends, no matter their foolish decisions

She who loves with all her heart

She who falls down, scrapes her knee and gets up with a tear in her eye and a laugh tugging at the corners of her mouth

She who will talk to you until all hours of the morning because she cares

She who is ridiculous and random

Who is this she?

This she is me...

Punk Myspace Layouts!
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
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My Wish List
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Just as a note, gifts are always appreciated, but not necessary. In addition my wishlist is where i bookmark things that I want to buy in the future.

If you do get me something I will try to get you something in return if I have enough credits.

Do not beg for gifts because I will just block you, if I give you something be thankful and courteous
please and thank you!
*u3*Urban Irides*EH*Suspender skirt*BLKTru-Brown Irides*EH*Pony tail*brown*u3*baraq's skin
MORF Caprice Kickee Hair[D]Brown llorano$lu grey&coon&brownCapri:KT:Xmas's Babe*EH*llorano*black*
MORF Utada Red Hair.m. Utada BlackPink[n77] Intense Red:KT:MissBetsy's Skin3.m. Kerli Brown
.m. Aesopt Choco[XeC]Utada-WH!PD! Dark Brown YUKIKOspacerspacer

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