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Avatar since: 03/12/08

Age: 33
United States - FL
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you got me begging for mercy
Relationship Status: Single

Name :Carrie
Nick Name :anime and carebear yesh not very many
Birthdate :I'm 16 and born on march 1st u do the math
Birthplace :FL,destin
Current Location :FL,fort walton
Eye Color :brown
Hair Color :brown
Height :I don't keep track of my height =D
Weight :don't keep track of that either but I know I'm skinny -.-
Piercings :none never will
Tatoos :nope never
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :T-T unfair but yesh I'm single
Vehicle :I rarther just ride a bicycle unless we go on a road trip xD
Overused Phrase :yesh
Food :candy O.o
Pub/Disc/Restaurant :TG fridays ^-^
Candy :candy O.o
Number :13
Color :white
Animal :catz
Drink :dr.pepper
Body Part on Opposite sex :WTF O.O never
Perfume :violent rose >.> yah moving on
TV Show :inuyasha
Music Album :umm.....I have no idea =D
Movie :don't have a personal favorite
Actor/Actress :none :/
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing :neither
Chocolate or Vanillachocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug :both <3
Dog or Cat :cat
Rap or Punk :neither
Summer or Winter :winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :both
Love or Money :love which I manage to easily destroy >.>
Bedtime :whenever I feel like it
Most Missed Memory :they are some memorys I wish I could change
Best phyiscal feature :I'm not a bragger
First Thought Waking Up :1 more minute
Ambition :could care less...
Best Friends :none
Weakness :being heartbroken
Fears :being alone,seeing blood,being killed O.o
Longest relationship :u don't need to know
Cheated Your Partner :nope =D
Ever been beaten up :yesh -.-
Ever beaten someone up :nope
Ever Shoplifted :nope
Ever Skinny Dipped :yesh >.>
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :nope
Been Dumped Lately :yesh -.-
Favorite Eye Color :don't care
Favorite Hair Color :don't care
Short or Long :don't care
Height :taller then me xD
Style :anything but punk and rap >.
Looks or Personality :personality
Hot or Cuteboth
Muscular or Really Skinny :don't care
What country do you want to Visit :japan or china
How do you want to Die :I don't want to die
Been to the Mall Lately :nope
Get along with your Parents :nope
Health Freak :nope
Do you think your Attractive :not a bragger
Believe in Yourself :yesh
Want to go to College :yesh
Do you Smoke :nope
Do you Drink :nope
Shower Daily :yesh O.o
Been in Love :yesh
Do you Sing :yesh
Want to get Married :maybe
Do you want Children :maybe
Age you wanna lose your Virginity :long time from now O.o
Hate anyone :hate is a strong word but yesh I do hate some ppl
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