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Avatar since: 07/31/07

Age: 36
United States - CA
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............ *Sticks my tongue out @ you*...
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
So this is my page...my creative space..I change my page often because I get bored with it easily . Feel free to stay as long as u like, you are most welcome here.(with the acception of pervs ). I dont care if u stalk my pg leave a message or don't it's up to you.I like meeting new ppl and making new buddies. If you look interesting i'll probably lurk you back when I get the chance. I have been dubbed the Queen of BRB by my buddies, so if I dont answer a chat request right away dont get personally and deeply insulted, it's nothing personal. I'm a down to earth chick and i dont mind a chat about most anything but i warn u.. i am opinionated but not rude..unless u piss me off but thats hard to do. My favorite word is "RIDICULOUS" I can tend to overuse it at times if this is going to bother you... TOUGH SHIT BECAUSE I DO NOT CARE! muwahahaahaaaha TORRO! Please no SPAM! or CHAINS! >:/


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Special Someone
shadygr1 has no special someone.

You have always been there for me. You are the best girlie!
Oh yes, you are my King of Snark!
Photobucket Be who you are, and say how you feel. Because those that mind, don't matter, and those that matter, don't mind.DR.Seuss Johnny LOL Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket goldfrapp Pictures, Images and Photos
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I LOVE EDWARD YES I DO ...I LOVE EDWARD HOW BOUT' U? ;P Photobucket Karl lagerfield Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Art, BLACK, Comedy, Family, Friends, Movies, Painting, Pink, Purple, Vampires, anime, candy, dancing, darkness, fantasy, gothic, green, metal, night, photography, punk, rock, stars, wicca, yellow

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