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Avatar since: 08/13/07

Age: 35
United States - MD
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Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Chatting
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🖤Gold Dragon Earrings🖤 Oliv Dragon Heels🖤 Ellie Oliv DressPancakes Breakfast Fruit. kitsune tail
. cotton candy cloud f[HIME] Light Furry Skin🌹Black high heelsPink Lips CouchCity Neon Couch
Pink Couch🅙 Eleanor rust w/strkT. MousyTriple Stud Earringsmy tongue v3
Icy Sparkle Body FitIcy Sparkle HeelsGold Necklace WhiteHenna Tats Nude NailsHenna Exotic Heels
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Special Someone
** From our first chance meeting online to actually meeting one another in the real world...I never thought that we'd end up spending our lives together as a soon to be married couple. We have shared many experiences and have seen each other at our best and our worst. It is undeniable that we have a special bond and it just continues to grow over time.**

Although you can be a nyumuur- meanie headed pain in the butt :P, you're my other half and I love you dearly Joshy-kun.
~Always <3
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