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About Me
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Avatar since: 2006-07-03
Age: 34
الولايات المتحدة - نيو جيرسي
آخر دخول للموقع:

"There\'s never a morning when I don\'t think of youuu"

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Summer Icons From Freeglitters.com
Myspace Comments if you like these outfitz then you like em but i hate copiers!!!!
Special Someone
I LOVE THIS GIRL! she's the best && no one can top that! if you wanna try go ahead but your wasting your time! you'll never get a perfect imvu best friend , at least not as perfect as she is! she my imvu sister && i think of her as more than that because i don't have asister in real life so i LOVE her to death. touch her, however, you die. (no kidding, i have a magical spell if you call a meany name(which is not nice) then you will burst into a piece of cow POOP!! ha now how does that make you feel!)
Summer Icons From Freeglitters.com
Myspace Comments CELLA!~ everything in the world is nothing better than having you there for me! i have no clue who i'd have over every weekend and be a complete retard and actually have fun staying up all night until the sun comes up and watching it together! your the best person! and no one can take your best friend roll from me even when im pissed at you the gayist reasons!<3333 CHELSEA!~ come on girl! you think i dont lov3 you!?! are you crazy! just cuase im obsessed with chicken nuggets and your vegian doesn't mean i care about you!!!!!! <333 LAURA!~ your soo lovable! and theres always someone for everyone! and youll have your cinderella moment any time soon! muah muah you know i love you tons and no one will take you down i can tell your going to be a strong and great person! keep it up and bothering looking he will come to you! <333 SHELLY!~ you live right down the street from and i still never see you! have fun with your life and don't over do yourself! i love you tons and i have known you ever since i movec here! we need to spend everyday together in the summer again!!! love you and your deffinatly going somewhere in life and don't kill yourself over Jon or Alex! MUAH! <333

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