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Avatar since: 2006-08-27
Age: 35
المملكة المتحدة
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Hidaly ** Neighborino!!!"

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Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Im Holly
I love all my mates
Expesially Fiona♥
She rocks!
I love hugs; So Hug Me
Im single
Lovin ????( for me to know and yooh never to find out)
I Love My Family To Bits, I Wouldnt change 'em For Anything♥
I don't use I love you loosly.
So when I say it I usally really mean it.
Seriously I'm down for almost anything.You'd be surprize.
Im really never bored.
I just say that sometimes cause it's a conversation starter.
I don't have a conscience.I apoligize in advance.
Oh em gee im in love with donuts and cotten candy
I burst out in random song/dance/words...join in with me!
I HOLD GRUDGES!!!!!Trying to be better on that
Our planets dieing and either everyone doesn't really care or they don't know.
please care.Or maybe I'll should just kill you now cause thats what your doing to me.
Im a strong girl.I can keep my own.
Im a good kid.I don't drink; don't do drugs; and I haven't killed anyone...yet.
When I get older I want to have my own hotel and club.
When I have to be I can be really respectful,mature, and have manners.
Other wise im usally loud, annoying, and very happy.
I love smiles!
Panic! at the disco RAWK! no questions asked!!! Myspace Layouts
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(Ð) GlamLashesBlack~RL - Dark Rose SkinS] Pink Plaid SocksS] Rainbow BottomsPINK AND BLACK MOMOKO
S] Rainbow ScarfPanic RikkuElectric BulletGuru Guru TailsInk Valentine - Panic
Devil Girl Red PackPunkette Bangles Leftspacerspacerspacer

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