dolphin687 Avatar since: 2006-07-15 سيدة
Age: 45 تم تأكيد السن
United States - AZ
آخر دخول للموقع:
"Okay...Okay..I Take It Back...NO wait.. FUCK You" See My Albums (2)
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone Looking For: Friendship
Although we are no longer together, he will always be my special someone. We have spent the last 13 years together. He has opened my eyes to alot of things also closed my heart to alot of things as well. I finally feel free of the cage I was trapped in for so long. I refuse to forget those years... hoping the memory keeps me for making the same mistakes. Part of me will always love you!
Friends 34
Visitors 7327
Gifts 37
Generosity 2750
fun, Friends, girls, guys, graphics, dolphins, computer, leo, witchcraft, nightlife, NV |