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Avatar since: 04/01/07

Age: 39
United States - HI
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a breast without a ****** has no point
أبحث عن: أخرى
lets see.....i have never felt a need to write crap about myself or make cocky justifications about how imperfectly randomly original i am... or draw invisble guidelines to things that aren't important. everyone just chill the fuck out. imvu is for fun ..not stalking or getting ure fucking panties in a bunch( and please note that im not only referring to chicks when referring to panties*nods* that means you---> guys) get to know me...and you'll see that im not a dickhead as im being now when writing this. i look for sincerity in friends and most of all a fucking great sense of humor. I bite...but only people i like, so rest at ease knowing that if you treat me like shit then the worst thing ill do is close the window. anyways..the moral of the story :) boys and girls is.....don't take this to seriously and if you want to know something get it from an unbiased source. thanks for yours attentive reading and maybe we'll chat sometime, if not enjoy the entertainment. ~pau
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see that outline?? that guy was a beggar and chainmail con artist. dont mess with me or they'll get you too ^ ^ hehehe..plus that lucky charm is supposed to keep that crap away from here nammit
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