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Avatar since: 2005-12-09
Age: 45
الولايات المتحدة - كاليفورنيا
آخر دخول للموقع:

"i love all the ppl in my life, real life and imvu life."

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i was born on dec 23,1979 in north coast town of astoria, ore, after i was born my family moved to prince of wales island in alaska, my height is 5'7", my waist is 23", im blonde, brown eyes, my occupation is model/tv actress, my fav color is white, my fav movie is "city lights" with charlie chaplin, fav drink is diet coke, fav author Hunter S. Thompson, fav novel is "THE GREAT GATSBY" my tagline is "hef's NO.1 squeeze". im studying at 2 diffrent places "UCLA EXTENSION FOR REAL ESTATE" and"SANTA MONICA COLLEGE FOR BUISINESS. i hate excercise, my first time in the playboy mansion was during the "MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM PARTY" were i met "Seth Green". and "PLAYMATE HEATHER KOZAR" i tried dancing lessons and i love to listen to " FRANK SINATRA" while relaxing in my bedroom. oh and another one of my fav movies is "A CHRISTMAS STORY" and "MARILYN MONROE" films
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Chatting
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PanDoRa*WeddingShoes# silver heart 7p+ glitt^MQ^PEARLSHOE^S^-v- Angelspacer
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