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Avatar since: 06/17/08

Age: 30
United States - FL
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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
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:B Bean Nozomi:B Kya Top$ Ki - Chocolaté[F] Brown+Green Eyes$ Cats And Dogs
[tia] Stalkers n Beggars*CG* Retro BedAnn| XxKiddiexX&Rachel[H]WvdRibbnBalletFlatsBr[ Oops Skin
|ven| Love is like...|ven|grow upMORF Hot Pink Armwarmers[7E]Lilac: Vamp editionspacer
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iMacaDoodle has no special someone.
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PAAUULLL ^-^ I Love You Super Much :o -tickles tummy- Ur So Silly And I Love Talking Tew Yew :D
PattyCakes.. He is the most awshume guy anyone could ever meet.. Please.. Don't hurt his feelings .. I Really hate tew she him upset.. :\ Well,Anyways You are a really great friend and i love u soo fudgen' much! >:p
Kristy..!! The girl that always makes meh laugh ^-^.. i loves you so much.. I always have such a great time wif you.. an your always fun tew be wif.. :D
Demi!!! We Have Tons Of Stuff In Common.. And You Are Really Fun Tew Talk Tew ^-^ Love Yew Demi :P
Mr.Erick..My Lil' DUCKIE ^^ I Miss You Soo Much.. Your Not On As Much As You Used Tew Be.. >:o An I Despise You Fer That >.> But I Still Love You <3 :D
Meh Lil' Sis :D I Love You Like So Much Even Though You Can Get A Little Bit Annoying..But Ur Still My sis An I Love You Chicken Wigger.. Lmfao.. :D
Kai.. Ur are really funny even though you dun really try and i love talking tew yew :3 love you :]]
Jordyn ^-^ She Is One Of the nicest ppl on earth..She is very funny and a wonderful person tew talk tew love ya Jordyn :P
Jack <:d you="" are="" super="" fun="" tew="" talk="" i="" love="" yew="">
mitchie^^ I love it when ur all crazy it makes meh hYp3r.. and that ish what i love so much about you!! :D

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