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Avatar since: 2006-11-19
Age: 36
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Chu! <3"

See My Albums (2)

Lol still as wacky as ever!!! :D anyways, no beggers and FYI: I LOVE YAOI!!!! so back off u haters! luv you guys!!! my website: kwkyori.bravehost.com
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
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Special Someone
my awesome yaoi pal!! :D
luv for the miavi and the gackt!! XD
luv ya!!
Contact Me
kwkyori@hotmail.com (my msn instant messenger)
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My Wish List
YaoiYaoi?Yaoi(y) M. Bunny|Blck Ears!f Alizee Black
Peach dress[W0] SweetLoli Shoes[NK] Pink gum Alice*Ki* Good Ears PALE[*L] Brows: Champagne
m.. Hisako Head*Ki* Date! Ribbon*fb* AMOR: PARIS SUITE{K} Black Premium Denim[D™ iShyn - Silver
$Star - Sombrespacerspacerspacerspacer

هل تريد عدم رؤية هذه الإعلانات؟ انضم لبرنامج VIP!
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