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Well this is a place to write stuff about me, so here it is.

I'm 16 years old but I do tend to act older than my age! HAHA. Wish me Happy Birthday on the 16th of May. ^.^ I get cold easily and I love hugs. I absolutely HATE Geometry. Whoever created geometry is a stupid idiot who had fun torturing innocent children. I love it when it rains but I get terrified once the thunder and lightning starts. I'm pretty easy to get along with so talk to me. :) I LOVE simple, old-fashioned things. I wish I had an Edward and a Jacob of my own. I have many fears and phobias. I have philophobia which is fear of falling in love. I am shy when you first meet me. I'm not superstitious. I absolutely despise ignorance and all ignorant people! I only have a few close friends who I trust completely and unconditionally. I stopped trusting people easily. I procrastinate way too much. Label me whatever u want, I really don't care. I am a hypocrite and I believe everyone on the face of this universe is a hypocrite. I am not conceited and I strongly dislike people who are. I also strongly dislike posers. Being someone who you're not is completely stupid and idiotic. I don't have to be around people every second of everyday. I enjoy spending time alone. I'm nice but I can be mean. I LOVE MUSIC! I also love texting! I dislike being judged and/or underestimated. I absolutely dislike flying insects. When I'm angry, I either cry, stare angrily, or scribble and rip the paper in shreds. I sing even though I know I sound horrible. I tend to keep things to myself. I think about stuff way too much. I dislike animal testers. I love being hugged and held. I'm easily amused. I love the smell of my shampoo. I enjoy making new friends but I am shy when I first meet new people. Random, cute things make me happy. :] My favorite ice-cream flavor is vanilla. Well, certain types of vanilla, like the Oak Farm vanilla. The Blue Bell vanilla ice-cream tastes weird to me. I love hearing people care about me. It makes me really happy. I love having inside jokes with people!

If you spell correctly and use proper punctuation in an online conversation, we will be friends forever. T@lK 2 m3 LyK3 Th1S, and I'll either say "I only speak english" or I'll just never talk to you again. I won't put up with you TyPiNg LyK3 Th1s. At first, I'll politely ask you to speak to me in a way I can understand what you're saying. Failure to do so will result in me blocking you.

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