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What Inspires Me

Medieval fantasy is my passion. The Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones (up until season 8), The Legend of Drizzt Do'Urden, and Dungeons and Dragons are my largest inspirational influencers for the rooms and characters that I create. The world that I imagine my story takes place in is a hybrid of elements from each of these stories. A world divided between the races, wrought with prejudice for that which is foreign, and fear for that which is unknown. All tend to stay near to those of their own kind, with those who venture out being motivated by necessity or to realize an extraordinary purpose.

Similar to The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, the dominant race around the world are the humans. All other races tend to keep to their own secluded regions which they've made their home. As evident in The Legend of Drizzt Do'Urden, those of non-human background may find it difficult to acclimate to life within human territory, as humans are fearful and prejudice by nature, and are inclined to become aggressively defensive when feeling threatened.

What I've taken from Dungeons and Dragons is the plethora of professions that those of any race may pursue. While not necessary to follow one particular D&D profession to a T, beings of any race, including humans, may be mages, sorcerers, wizards, druids, and more.

Please heed these guidelines below in order to help create an environment which promotes uninterrupted, inclusive, and enjoyable roleplay for everyone.

The Howlin' Owl


The Howlin' Owl is a human-run tavern within human territory, and therefore humans are the primary race to frequent it. However, this does not mean that beings of other races are never seen here.
❈The following races are openly welcomed by humans, but may experience excessive/unwanted attention for their presence: Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Fairies
❈The following races are feared and/or hated by humans, and may experience adverse reactions to their presence: Drow, Half-dragons, Orcs, Goblins, Giants
  ▶ Open hostility towards these races is permitted in-character.
  ▶ To avoid adverse reactions, beings of these races are recommended to come accompanied by an accepted race and/or to wear concealment.
❈Custom races are permitted to roleplay here under the following conditions:
  ▶ The possibility of their existence is plausible and well-developed.
  ▶ Players of custom characters are aware that if their character appears to not be human, their character may draw unwanted attention and/or adverse reactions.


  ▶ Medieval attire is required (think Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones).
  ▶ All weapons you claim your character has on them must be worn on your avatar.
  ▶ Prohibited: Robotics, Electronics, Steam-punk, Time-travelers, Anime, Modern Gothic/Emo Clothing
  ▶ Please use an appropriately sized avatar for your character’s race (avatar height measuring board inside).
❈Multiple characters:
  ▶ All characters must be visible.
  ▶ Common pets that humans have, but are not limited to, are: dogs, cats, birds, and rodents.
  ▶ Pets which are large, exotic, and/or magical may cause panic and result in adverse reactions.
  ▶ Pets of any kind may experience in-character adverse reactions to their presence.
  ▶ Intelligence: Must be plausible and well-developed. May cause adverse reactions.


  ▶ Do not tend the bar. I have created characters with well-developed backstories that do that.
  ▶ If no bartenders are present (I’m playing other characters or not in the room), only use the bartenders to order, not to chat.

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Avatar since: 06/18/06

Age: 34  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - IA
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English & Español
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
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