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Avatar since: 2006-08-24
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Young Moneey!"

See My Albums (2)

Hi people, my name's is Margaret.

Feel free to leave a message and a gift. Well, just the meassage if you want to, lol.

Actually I don't get online everyday so if i reply kind of late, please forgive me. So, i Started this thing in 2006 & I dont have 25 years old, im just 17 :3 . It's been a great experience being here, ya know? I don't have a lot of friends, but I hope one of this days I will. I love publicity, designing and taking pictures♥ I wanted to be a succesful developer but Imvu its so weird so yeah...

I have a lot of skills editing photos, but not like I have seen in other profiles... damn, lol.

ANYWAYS, dont leave withouth leaving a MESSAGE ;3

My Wish List
True Love Back TattC$ | LEG BIRDS TATTO*D Sugar Kiss Pale Skin*W* Justice Denim Top[KISA]ThursdayOutfit
*D Victoria Beckham Skin*D Regards Skin[KISA]ILikeTurtlesTan[KISA]CallMeSkin[K]*Doll Face*
0B. Crista HeadClarisse!D!Just<Red>:Light!D!Mila:Light:v2-G- Kumi head OP
*D Angel Skin-tgm-Overlay II[KISA]ComfortableSkinspacerspacer
Special Someone
luisana1 has no special someone.
My Sandbox
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This user has no badges available for auto granting.

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