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yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyyoyoyoy im jennifer i was 15 i tuned 16 on Dec.28 and ya u ppl can call me scne or emo i dont really care but i have something lil to tell u about my homies lolz XD 1,Nicole shes the BOOM shes soooo fucking funny man and u now what els tooo all u guys out there she not tacken lmfao XD sooo shit go out with her and ya shes "nice" well sometimes LMFAO .^_^. 2, Chris hes the best dam persone u can ever meat man but ya hes tacken and u wana gusse by who well its not me........................oh okay then ya its me lolz XD shes sooooo cool extremly funny and hes really really HAWT!!!!!!! sooooooooooo all u bitches out there hes mine :) lolz XD and heres a tip never and i mean NEVERRRRRRRRRR use my pics cuz ill find ur asses and tack it off and if u dont ill fucking hack ur ass and tack it off my self!!!!!!! LMFAO! ill never do such a thing like that ill find ur ass and tell u in purson LMFAO ^_^ jkjk but i will tell u to tack it off. well ya thats all u can stopreading this cuz im telling u now im not gana write anything els anymore......................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................... i told u im not gana write anymore soooooooooooooo u can stop now. LMFAO (later homeskilly biskets love ya!!)
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Guest_Emotears138_31065033_deleted_31065033 OKAY!!!!! this is my fucking awsome HAWT!!!! bf lolz XD hes sooo fucking cool and he macks feel better what ever im down and hes there for me soooo im there for him LOVE YA!!!!!! XD
iglass OKAY PPL!!!!!! shes the fuking boom!!!!! and ps we call her nikki funner LMFAO! okay she soo funny and well nice 2 duh ^_^ well ya she cheeres me up when ever im down and she olways there for me and im olways there for her!! SOOOO BITCHES WHO EVER WANT TO MESS WITH HER U BETTER GO THROUGH!! ME 1ST GOT IT!!!!!!!!! lolz XD i mean it be ware!!!!! i hurt lolz XD and shit so dus she LMFAO XD nd ps i now he in reall life ^_^
emowarofcookies OMGZ!!!!!! hes soooooo fucking funny and cool were like going ever ware together well with nikki 2 lolz XD HEY! PPL were just friends kk lolz XD i now him in reall like and his name is ryan in case u bitches r wondering LMFAO! XD well ya hes soooooooo fucking nasty 2 like once we were going to the park and gusse what he did!!!!................................ he started to strip on the pole LMFAO!!!! and gurlz it was a dare cuz we were playing truth or dare LMFAO!! XD we call him FREEK! or somethimes MR.R cuz were bored like hell lolz XD
EMODANNYBOY1 this is my fucking homeskilly bisket lolz XD he always mackes me laugh every time well i wall him mr.weed cuz he always has weed for me XD(not reall) and he always mackes me smile soo big like this :)))) XD
Vocalpunk brandon! idk were to start with u... well lit me oya 1 XD he is like my best fiend well guys style XD is always jocking around with me and i think its sooo funny XD and even when he is like yo! XDhe is sooooooooooo funny and well nice 2 duh ^_^ and dont ferget koo! i can never wait till we chat agen cuz he is soo ko ! XD hes like my koo friend :D
DunEatMyCupcake okay this dud is sooooooooooooooooooooo extremly funny but ya u bitches hes taken buy his girlfriend kk bitches LMFAO!! XD and hes good at telling jokes and like every thing lolz XD and his neame is........................ shit why shoude i tell u lolz XD u ask him dam it lolz XD ^_^
DafwX this persone is like so fucking nice and cool man u ppl shoude chat with him sometime but ps hes engaged. sooo ya lolz XD ^_^ but shit not with me LMFAO!! XD
OYA!!!!! this is my other homie but she dose not have a imvu booo she sucks lolz XD no she dose not!! well i call her bitch its so funny oya her name is estefani she is awsome lol just like u ppl and u now what..................:P.................shes not taken lolz XD sooo who ever wants to go out with her shit ask her out lolz XD
oya this is another homies that i like to but they do not have an imvu boo they sucks too lol!!!!!! well ya there names are...................:p ............. Terence, dino, fered, chris, zack, ben, pablo, christina, jena, maria, lea, kelly, breana, cindy, ctystal, daisy, jari, neli, kathy, julie, leslie, lizy, well i can go on with this but no i am not but ya well ya they r so fucking awsome like estefani and all u ppl who r reading this loz XD well ya thats all a have for today lolz XD and shit my fingers will get tiered if i ceeped going lolz XD