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About Me
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soft1heartedعضو في نادي VIP
Avatar since: 12/28/07
VIP member since: 01/24/08
VIP member number: 37278

Age: 51  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - NJ
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May God bless and keep you!
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship

Welcome to my page!

If I am not on-line please leave me a message Or if you have my MSN id feel free to look for me there.
Little about me....
I am a born-again bought by the blood of the Lamb believer in Christ. I have been saved by grace, by God's awesome mercy thru His loving Son, Jesus Christ whom I adore. I have been married for over 19 years, and I am not interested in a on-line fling or anything that would compromise my marriage. If that's what your looking for then please move on. I am also straight and not interested in any kind or sexual perversion of the flesh.

Please visit the following groups
Tickle Me Pink
Invitation Only

I write poems, and I have started to work on some fictional stories. Below is one of my poems

You can check out more of my writing by going to the folowing link read my stuff .

Last Night

Last night you were a beautiful sight
I Loved dancing with you all night
When i am with you all is right
Theres no need to have fright
For I love you with all my might

Contact Me

Lamentations 3:22-23 Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassion's fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

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My Wish List

I do not expect gifts, however I am very thankful to those who have given me gifts in the past and who will give me gifts in the future. May the Lord bless you my dear friend.
3 Person cuddle poseST console / soundTrek Desktop ComputerSF Map RoomMedical Ship bundle
GalaxyClass DeradnoughtNebula Class RPG Str shpNavigation LocatorTactical LocatorSciences Locator
XO LocatorCaptain LocatorTNG Space BackgroundZTX Medscan Unit Mk8LGSS replicator
Starship Cargo baysTREK Turbolift DoorStarfleet Cargo BarrelsST door2spacer
وضع غرفتي

This is for my family and friends who are in the fire department and put their lives on the line everyday for us..

Thank you

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