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Avatar since: 2006-11-28
المملكة المتحدة
آخر دخول للموقع:

"thirteen years Youngg"

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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
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Name :chloe jones
Nick Name :umm clo or cj or sometimes ...cookie XP
Birthdate :january 11th 1997
Birthplace :shewsbury,telfo..wait why du u need to know this??
Current Location :im the UK..or if u really wanna know on my bed O_O
Eye Color :well its 3 colours o_O and its ..well i got ma pupil then a outline of green then hazel brown then a ring of pure black...but the whole eye goes black..spooky...XP
Hair Color :umm the natral colour is like almoast black but i died it blonde then pink then brown n now its...golden X]
Height :....i dont carry a messuring tape around me..
Weight :yeah like i care
Piercings :ooh twice on both ears and im getting my belly done and the tops of my lips only 2 XP
Tatoos :umm...lol i had fake ones..yeah wen i was 7
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :ooh..not 4 a while
Vehicle :hahaha..yer its red..its called a BIKE
Overused Phrase ::O none of my babeys are overused!!
Food :ooh anythink that involves sugar!!
Pub/Disc/Restaurant :...say what??
Candy :all of it but moastly sugar paper...mmmm
Number :67...not realy humm probly my age?? on and on lol
Color :turqoise the moast..and pink..and black..and blue..and orange..and red..all of em of corse X3
Animal :all of em =]
Drink : ooh red bull mmm and vannila milkshake!!!
Body Part on Opposite sex :-blinks- come again ??
Perfume := ] cristal and joop and laquost pink
TV Show :fosters home for imaginary friends and wizards of waverly place
Music Album : haha..are u serios?
Movie :batman a dark night
Actor/Actress :heath ledger..the joker outer batman
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :pepsi all the way!!
McDonalds or BurgerKing : well last time i visited burger king i was the hikky of sikky and yeah..so mc donalds
Chocolate or Vanilla...vannila chocolate??hehe both
Hot Chocolate or Coffee ::l hot chocolate is da best
Kiss or Hug :cant i have both?!?
Dog or Cat :u can snuggle a cat but walk a dog.. both
Rap or Punk :bitta both..punky styl abit..
Summer or Winter :umm im puttin on ma bikini!!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :i like really scary movies...hehehe
Love or Money :lovve..you can buy everythink but love x]
Bedtime :wat evah time i fall to sleep
Most Missed Memory :..i cant rememba thats y i miss it soo much
Best phyiscal feature :all of em
First Thought Waking Up :"hooly shiyt its like 12am" or "spongebob...get the fook of my head no i dont want to walk gary! ZzzzzzzZZzzz"
Ambition :model teacher or actress
Best Friends :every one of my friends
Weakness :pfft like im tellin u
Fears :ahh! when i walk home a creepy golddigger takes me in a bush rhapes me n kills me -hides under bed-
Longest relationship :i dont really keep track...:S
Cheated Your Partner :nope neva will
Ever been beaten up :err ..no..ive been like picked on wen i was little
Ever beaten someone up :mabey...
Ever Shoplifted :nope neva
Ever Skinny Dipped :come again??
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :of corse lol im no dumbass
Been Dumped Lately :yes ive been heartbroken the moast =[
Favorite Eye Color :blue or green or brown
Favorite Hair Color :hehe brown or blonde ..or both XP
Short or Long :umm abit in bitween lolage
Height :taller than me
Style :erm i like scene boys mm
Looks or Personality :BOTH!!
Hot or Cute hot and cute obiosly
Muscular or Really Skinny :eww skinny..yukk id prefer muscular..
What country do you want to Visit :LA deffinanly or maliboo
How do you want to Die :naked!!wooo JOKE...XP
Been to the Mall Lately :of corse i must go there like evry week atleast
Get along with your Parents :umm abit..i suppose
Health Freak :omg yess i must stay clean DONT TOUCH ME!! no dust bunnies!!! nooooo no finger prints on tht...erm HELL NO IM NOT A HEALTH FREEK!!
Do you think your Attractive :no im a ugly fugly mugly..pugly rugly tugly...thing..
Believe in Yourself :YEZZ
Want to go to College :YEZZ
Do you Smoke :NOOO NEVAA
Shower Daily :mabey
Been in Love :yes cuz love is da best
Do you Sing :yeass my shower head is impressed with me!!
Want to get Married :eventually wen im older
Do you want Children :yezz
Age you wanna lose your Virginity :it gets lost wen it gets lost..but not like 14 or 15....idk n idc
Hate anyone :yes!!..erm no i just thought id look cool ^ x ^
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