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I LOVE BLEACH, FINAL FANTASY AND KINGDOM HEARTS!!!!!!! myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics http://ar.avatars.imvu.com/guest_ultimate1naruto hey whats up make sure you check out my videos. XP and one more thing make sure you leave a message or else grr... (its at the bottom the message thing) lol do you like drawn together its really funny. MESSAGES PLZ!!!!!!! READ THIS!!!!!!!!!
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Avatar since: 2006-10-08
Age: 31
الولايات المتحدة - نيويورك
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My Wish List
69 Power -Chaos Shadow M - Small power: al left | ar right BIG power!: AL! left | AR! right Chaos: For music XD haha: for a creppy laugh lol: for a retarded laugh ------------------------------------------ Bleeding Hearts Blade - HOLD-your avatar holds the keyblade STANCE-your avatar holds the keyblade in a more battle-ready stance, makes for some different screen shots VICTORY-You avatar throws the blade over its shoulder and puts the other hand on its hip, very cute pose SLASH-a simple slashing in front of you SEPPUKU-very silly conversation ender..lol -------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Navi with sounds - Say these and navi speaks "hi", "what", "hehe", "lol".
Black Convertible Sceneanime gothic vampireParty timeNaruto Red ChakraXenCorp XLR10
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