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My Interests

Once Upon A Time..


Avatar since: 07/15/06
Age: 15
United Kingdom

Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Looking For: Friendship

Hello there and welcome to my homepage :) My name is Holly and i'm 15 years old. To be honest, I'm stuck at what to write here but ah well, I'll just waffle ^.^
So i LOVE to write fanfictions for anime and make up my own stories (Becoming an author would be SO UBER AWESOME XD) I actually have some on them on Fanfiction.net :)


Another thing is that I love to draw! Ok, this is random but my Grandad once told me that "An Author Or Artist Must Adapt To The Situation." I don't know why but those words reeeeally helped me and now I feel like I can do anything :) (OMGSH THAT SOUNDED SO SAPPY!)


Long story short, Message Me, Chat To Me, Friend Request Me, Buy Me = ROFLMAO, Nah Just the first three :)

GIRL, goth, music, emo, FallOutBoy, English, england, female, linkinpark, sagittarius, unitedkingdom, teenager, Mosher
About Me
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حالة الاتصال

Avatar since: 2006-07-15
Age: 32
المملكة المتحدة
آخر دخول للموقع:


See My Albums (3)

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
Special Someone
The only person I've ever met that makes me feel glad to be alive. Three years and running we've been friends :) Even though we've been through some pretty crap times, we got through it all in the end :) We share a love for cats (Mwah ha ha) He's getting married soon though so don't hit on him! :)
My Wish List

My Wish List


I don't beg or plead. But feel free to get me something if you really want to.

{O}Ballet Slippers Blanc[m] Platinum Minz[m] Blaq ICHIKO[m] Platinum Lolli[morf] BlondeBlue Bangs
[morf] Strawberry Milk[m] Blaq ZineAeronautikus Pteronium$YomYom Necklace[8O8] HEART BREAKERZ
.R. T.C. WTF Obake.R. T.C. noob Hito{O}Panda T-Shirt WhiteThe Doll Neglected(A) Vampire Garb
[!S] Black Monstuh FurrAlessa Gumm.. Kimono Death Redspacerspacer

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