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Avatar since: 04/04/07

Age: 44  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - NJ
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RIP Morpheus... 11/2001-10/2010
Relationship Status: Married

The past year has been difficult, and only recently have I started to get back into the swing of things here on IMVU. On October 5, 2010, I lost my best friend, my feline soulmate - Morpheus. He was battling cancer of the stomach and intestines for two months before he let us know it was time for him to pass on. Needless to say, the pain has not subsided (and I doubt that it will), but I am at least able to function on a day-to-day basis without completely losing it.

I love you always, Morpheus, my beautiful, brave boy.

Please note: I am happily married to a wonderful man, very much content with our relationship. I will not tolerate any monkey business. If you should happen to try to "pick me up," an instant rejection will result.

Thank you to all those who have supported me with my creating endeavors! I appreciate it immensely. :)

I forewarn all beggars and spammers entering this realm. If you spam my page or start begging for me to buy you credits, access passes, gifts, etc. you will be reported, as it is against IMVU's TOS.

Currently Reading: Ulysses by James Joyce

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