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Avatar since: 2006-08-09
Age: 38 18+ Age Verified تم تأكيد السن
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
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See My Albums (1)

********I'm 25 and I 'm in college for a BA in photography. Most of my interests are in..well the interest category, lol. I do like vampires and I like roleplaying as one =)

I like art and animation and of course my ideal goal would be to do cartoon/anime. Although, I am seeign how the photography works out for now! If you're nice then feel free to send me a friend request or if you catch me at the computer you can send me a chat request.

Looking For: Friendship
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My Wish List
This is just a list of stuff I'm planning on getting when I have all the credits,, so I have an easy place to find it all, hehe, no one has to pick anything out from my wishlist as a present. =P
[WK] Golden Mermaid HD[WK] Golden Mermaid ER[WK] Gothic Opal HDVampire Doll Hairspacer
My Videos
My Interests
Chatting, sleeping, watching movies, Listening To Music, hanging out, Reading: yes, books, vampires, faeries, mermaids, rp type games, vid games, Rock/metal- Music, the color Red, making funny noises, anime/cartoons, , drawing =more yay!
anime, Drawing, Movies, music, Roleplaying, Cartoons, reading, Chatting, virgo, United States - MD
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