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Avatar since: 2007-12-02
Age: 52
الولايات المتحدة - بنسلفانيا
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My name is Luna also known as Moonbeam Former Slave just enjoying my freedom. I am an Elemental. Created by fire from the sun reflecting off the moon. I live in the air. I rest on the water and walk the earth. I walk with you, beside you as friend. I create and remove shadows. I can blind and, when refined, even kill but I am a Night Being of peace. I can always be found somewhere on this earth. To find me simply stare the moon. I am pleased to be amongst you.

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
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Geo Dammed Dress SilverArab servant in plateVENUS MANSION{c}Street SceneMoonlit Ice Rink
"TS" QueenDragonTailLunar Black Mage Bundle4K .:Night Club:.spacerspacer

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