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Avatar since: 2008-01-13
السن: 44
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D1rtyB1rty has no special someone.
My Bro Known him nearly all my life and for the rest of it i hope. He is one of the best people you can meet, Kind, considerate, always thinking of others and to top it off a great laugh. Not wishing to sound weird but, Luffs ya Bro
My Sis Hehe what can i say. Another one of the best people you can meet (I'm so lucky). Took me under her wing when i started and adopted me as her brother. She's absolutely nuts, but we wouldn't have her any other way. Luffs ya sis.
Gel She is as nuts as the rest of us, can be a lil quiet at times *Whispers: but thats cos she's watchin you* O.o. She is one of the kindest people i have ever met and one of the friendliest. She will do almost anything for her friends. Luffs ya Gel
Kat Ain't she just the best. I luff this girl, one of the first friends i made on IMVU. I will always have a lot of time for Kat. She is great to talk to and will always make you smile, even if she is down herself. Luffs ya Kat.
Layla Bonkers absolutely bonkers. You want lively? Then you have found it with Layla. I'm always wondering who's leg she is gonna be humping next, lol. I hope we will be friends for a very long time. Luffs ya Layla
Tess Another one of my special friends, a little quiet at times, but if you need a talk she will listen. She also knows how to have a good laugh, (Don't you Dave lol). Hoping to meet her soon for a drink in the near future, that will be a good night out hehe. Luff ya Tess
Sis number 2 hehe. A great girl who you can have alot of fun with, usually comes as a package with Orlith but i will get to her later. Has a great taste in music, well i havnt been able to find a song she dont like yet and i got quite a few . a really nice person to get to know so if you get the chance dont pass it up. Luffs ya sis
Now what can i say about Cheryl? LOOK DOWN CHERYL! lmao. Yet another nutta, just like me, almost as dirty as me too i think hehe. definately a person to have a great laugh with, if your feeling down there is no one better to lift your spirits. Luffs ya Cheryl
The second part of the package hehe. Absolutely insain but in the good way. Another great girl you can have loads of fun with and if she is with Super then you are in for it lol. Has the same taste in music as Super, i sometimes wonder if they are sisters. And again a really nice person to get to know so if you get the chance dont pass it up. Luffs ya Orlith
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