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ملحوظة: يمكن شراء الهدايا فقط عن طريق الرصيد.
إخلاء قائمة الهدايا: لازالة قائمة الهدايا تماماً من قائمة منتجات الهدايا رجاءً اضغط هنا
We'll I guess I should write about me -ahem- here I go xP My name's Shannon. I'm 16 but I really don't act like it lolz and I live in California umm random things about me umm I can be very random at times xD..oh heres a warning for you I can be mean at times! I'm sorry I just can't help it, it's who I am so deal with it but most of the time I am very nice...anyways..umm If you think im a bitch, or you don't like something about my personality, just tell me. Don't be too harsh though. =/ I'm not a dumbass, so I don't judge people completely by their looks. I'm consieted, yet at the same time, I have VERY low self confidence. I think I'm the ugliest thing on this planet. No lie. Besides Pamela anderson and Micheal jackson. If you mess with me, either I'll just laugh it off, (probably) or i'll get revenge. ;] I don't get what the big deal is about swearing. I think its fun to do. (I don't do it that much though) I don't really care if what you think im doing is 'unholy' or 'immoral'. That doesn't mean im gonna stop it. I may cut down on it, though. I am what I think I am. I'm pretty sure, at least. If I'm not, just tell me. If you've got a problem with me, spill it. I'll try to fix it out. Im secretly logical. And I'm not just saying that. When someone tells me something, I can tell if they are lying or not. (I won't say so, though. and no, im not just saying this.) I'll easily find evidence of why that person is lying. How am I so good at telling if people are lying or not? I used to be a huge liar. I know all the secrets to lying. I don't tell huge lies to you unless your a bitch, or a n00b-a-l00b to me. and of course I wont tell huge lies if they will hurt you. If you'd like to tell me something, tell me it by yourself. Don't be pathetic and get someone else to tell me. I'm a HUGE procrastinator. But sooner or later, I'll get the job done. I think the world is a EXTREMELY sick place. I'm a Catholic, but I'm not very religious. I believe in god, and stuff, but personally, I think i'm on his hate list. I don't like the things i like just because you or someone else likes them. I don't like it when you label me. im not emo. im not goth. im not preppy. or anything else. i'm just ME. so please stfu. ;] Im above the influence. That means im SMART and i'm COOL. No smoking or drinking when Im older. Drunk people scare me. I would think that I would be used to them by now, but im not. I hate it when people are doing something bad to themselves, and I tell them to quit it, but all they do is get mad at me for simply caring about them. I'm quite sympathetic when it comes to personal problems of other people. I'll be sad for you even if your fish died. I love animals. Except for owls. They're pretty, but they suck like fuck. (aha. rhymes.) =] I admit that I do sound like a bitch, but in real life, I'm a nice(ish)weirdass dork. I'm def. different than most of the people my age, I've been told I don't act my age (even though I can be immature at some points), and that I don't look my age. I like making people feel better, and I definetly like making people smile, or laugh. I like talking to people about themselves, but, sometimes I want to talk about myself, and my problems. That sounds selfish, but, once you think about it, not really. So if you talk, and let me talk, and listen to what I have to say, and actually respond to it, I'll love you. (well, not really, I'll just really really really like you.) I find it amusing how people you barely know feel sympathetic for you, and say 'awe im so sorry =[' And how your 'closest friends' just skip to a diff. subject I make sick jokes. But really, I'm not a horny pervert, or whatever. I love talking to people. I seriously LOVE it. I love meeting new people as well, Go ahead, send me a message or whatever. I'll reply. No matter who you are No matter what you say. Unless its boring. =/ I'm Shannon and that's all I'll ever be
Relationship Status: Single Looking For: Chatting
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Yayz! thnx for visting my page xD
Yayz! visitors!! *gives yew a cookie* I lubs it when ppl visit as long as they leave a message >_>
لا تدع الزوار يفوتونك. كـVIP، يمكنك تكوين إتصالات قيمة اليوم!
Zacky ish meh bestest buddy ever I loves him so much! he's awesome,funny,sweet,careing lol he's just a dorkasaur and so damn loveable I mean who doesn't love this guy he's just to awesome! lolz I love the fact that I can go to him for anything no matter what my problem is he knows how to fix it or even when i don't tell him that I have a problem and I do he can tell and he just cheers me right up and i do the same for him he's my bestest buddy and were gonna be freinds forever xD I love you Zacky
GigglesSnorts!! I mean Patrick.. :P lol this is my besties bf ands he ish my awesome friend to!! I loves him to death! fuck with him ands I'll fuck you up >xP
Elmo! >_> I mean esmy..lolz I know this girl in rl I've known her for 6 years now she's another one of my bestsest friend she's an awesome friend she's like a sister to me I'd do almost anything for this girl lo
another person I know in rl! lol Alexis..aka Lele lolz I've known her for about 5 years now lol she's also like a sister to me lolz I love how random this girl is she always now how to make me laugh i think it's cause she's so damn sick minded O__O I turned her that way... lolz she's still a great person tho :P
Zomg another person I know in rl! lolz I've known this guy for 4 years now :P Chady...what can I say about you..your funny thats for sure lol and weird...but weird ish awesome xD he's just a great guy to hang around with
Weeeeeeeeeeeee lets see I met her like when I first joined imvu and we've been bestest friends since I loves this girl so damn! much as a sister >_> she helps me so much like when I'm sad and stuff I know that I could go to her if I ever had a problem xP I'd do Anything for this girl she's the bestest friend anybody could ask for x]
yayz! time to write about Ben! lolz lets see I met him a long time 7 months ago lolz anyways he's a really awesome guy and I loves him to death hes another person I know I could go to if I never needed help he sure has helped me alot..and I really appreciate it :P and I'd also do anything for him cause he's just an awesome friend who
this ish my Brownie xD lol he's a very awesome friend! he understands my weirdness o.o thats cause h'es weird too.. rofls I lovels him so much! again he's just another one of those awesome ppl that
TehCrazyBoii Mr. Crazy boii name says it all he's crazy lol but in a good way he's just a great person to hang around with he's very sweet,smart,random and just awesome! lolz
lolz this ish where I take pic of pplz bums and in case you don't know what a bum is it's your butt! lolanyways if I think there awesome or cool or whatevers lolz I addz them xD yess I know this is kinda weird and silly but I am weird xD so I don't care I'm still gonna do it! lolz and who knows mabye you'll get lucky and I'll put you in here xD
This is Manueldabest16 bum! he ish really awesome xD he's like my brownie o.o and he's also the very first person to go on my bums of fame lolz xD to he's the best and he he also give outs the best hugs ever!!! lol
Zomg another awesome person!!!! MichaelDestroys he ish a very awesome person! thats why i took a pic of his bum >_> lol wuvs yew!!
unknownable he's Mr. Super Awesome!!! xD I declared him the prince of all awesome ppl! lolz I just love how random he is he's and get person to hang around with xD
Zomg it's Ben's bum! (3moZen) he's very awesome and cool if he wasn't I wouldn't have taken a pic of his bum! lolz wuvs you ben! o.o
Esmys bum!!! [Esmeralda236] She my best friend in rl I loves her as a sister and of course shes an awesome person! >_> who buged meh so much to put her pic in here T.T lolz
Zacky!!!!!! (XxEmoBoy166xX) lolz and you can also see my bum :P but this ish bout how awesome Mr Zack Attack is! lolz he's a dorkasaur and funny and you just have to love this dude I knows I do I loves him alot xD he's been my bestie for a very very long time now O___o were gonna be friends forever xD
Dean [BigDeanoMarino]
He's like so damn awesome!! lolz I barley met him but he's that damn awesome that I had to take a pic of his bum right away!!! I advise that you talk to this guy! rolfs ooo I had to add mores to his cause each and every day that passes and when talk he just becomes more and more awesome!! xD lol
yayyyyyyyyyy I luffs this awesomeness dude! he's like Da Bomb rofls he makes meh supper happy when I talk to him cause hes just so fun and awesome xD
Rokies! bum!!
>___> he made me put his pic here lol but he is an awesome guy hes really funny and sweet he's just fun to hang around with so I say give him an invite if hes on!! cause he's an awesome friend xD lol