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Avatar since: 2006-11-15
السن: 51
الولايات المتحدة - هاواي
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See My Albums (1)

Hey everyone...Desi here. I am a Masseuse and a Yoga instructor. just currently moved to Hawaii, this past August and loving every minute of it!! I am from Texas originally. If ya feel like chatting hit me up. NOW..something you need to know is that I will leave the chat if you are solely here to try and "make out" with my character, try and contain yourselves. I am happily married....so don't go there! If you send me a chat invite and I do not accept it or decline, please do not get your feelings hurt....I am most likely either away from the computer or in a chat with someone. I do not do multi chatting...you have my complete attention if I am in a chat room with, I expect the same from the person I am chatting with. OH...one more thing...I absolutely will think your lame if you ask wether I am female or male...OMG...the ( s) in the asl question is pretty damn obvious people....please use some commmon sense... OK...done with my ranting...

Your Musical Tastes Match: Nicole Kidman

See her whole playlist here (iTunes required)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting And for you role playing fiends.....this is an awesome site for a musical background whilst playing...
My Interests
Hey hey everyone....things that interest me...hmm... well, and this is not in any particular order, Music Music Music..Art, Film, Martial Arts,Japanese culture freak!

Click to visit the AviStar!

aries, United States - HI
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Caacrinolaas EyesDianaBlackLongSkirtObelix EyesGoth WingsO-Ring Collar
BB*Spark. Black R. NoseT3 Zen-TsukiokaThree Pillar Candles*DW1* Tribal Dragonfly TT3 Zen Sakura Dresser
Island LoftT3 Zen-Samurai Retreat40s Noir Dresswitchs web layeredskirtVamp-U-Lisicous Blood!
T3 Zen-Ryuspacerspacerspacerspacer
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friendly Friends 16
visitors Visitors 181
kharma Gifts 9
generosity Generosity 1

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