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Avatar since: 2007-08-04
Age: 35
United States - KS
آخر دخول للموقع:

"If an angel can fall from grace, cannot a demon rise?"

See My Albums (1)

Photobucket If anyone visiting my page has met my brother Nivek88, quite a difference eh? Yes, my brother and I have quite different perspectives, but if anyone hurts our family, they'll have two six-foot angry teenagers who love to fight right behind them. IMVU has had a very dramatic effect on my life. Before this, I was alone, no friends I could really relate to. But that is the past, and my future is brighter than I could ever imagine. thank you all. Now to set some ground rules. 1: If you attack me for no reason, I'll take your ass down. 2: I don't care if you're straight, gay, bi, black, or white. so don't bring ANY racism to my page. 3: If you spam me, then I get to spam you if I want to. Don't like it? Then don't spam me. Those are the rules, follow them, and you have my thanks. Don't follow them, and you can get out NOW.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
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Elris4 has no special someone.
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Silverfang: War of Wolves of Men

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Kingdom Hearts Rebirth

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My Interests
value="http://www.youtube.com/v/_YL-b-IymIg">width="425" height="350">
anime, fire, writing, Cloud, angels, demons, animals, youtube, poetry, KingdomHearts, runescape, Phoenix, Ninja, halo, finalfantasy, dragonballz, yugioh, Keyboard, ocarina, quotes, LARP, cards, Zack, swords, Combat
My Friends (29)
Cause my freinds are a gold more valuable to me than Mithril. NOTE: I am 6'1", and if you hurt my friends, I am hunting you.
Burn baby burn.
You scored as Fire, You are the element Fire. The crackling sounds of the flames soothes you, no-one else can relate to you in this way. But if anyone catches you at the wrong time they'd better watch it, you can be set off so easy! But you like the other elements have a beauty about you, and you quite like to be noticed!









Are You Earth, Fire, Water Or Air?
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{Kingdom Hearts} What Road [Crossroads] Do You [Of Fate] Travel? {Kingdom Hearts}
The Road to Twilight
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Caught between... Lost the Light of your life? Giving into the growing Darkness in your heart... To protect someone, maybe? You're strong and don't give up. You strive for the truth that no ones give you. You hate the lies that everyone tells."It's victory... Or Oblivion..."
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