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"The worms are eating away my female parts first. They have almost entirely eaten away my vagina and my breasts and now they are working on my mouth and throat. I wish the doctors and nurses would let my soul die, but they are still experimenting with trying to reunite the body and the spirit."

Need is a curisous thing. Until you plant the seed, nurture it, encourage its awakening, you're not even sure it's there. But once it germinates, nudges up, breaking ground, you can no longer deny it has always lain dormant inside you. And now, blossoming with every kiss, every touch of his hand, this new kind of need is growing, sprouting shoots, tendrils of desire threading you, consuming you.

She ran, picked up the phone, said, "Babe, I miss you. Come back home. It can't be long. Boy, it can't be long." He said, "I hate this place. I miss your smile. I miss your face. I wrote a song. Girl, I wrote a song."

My name is Mariah, I am 18 years young. I party all night, and sleep all day. I keep my nails and skin updated, I tan everyday, and I get my nails done everytime they look bad. People may say I'm spolied, but I deserve everything I get. My heart has been broken, I've cried over boys, blahblah, I'm not perfect. Don't like it, get the fuck outtttt.

You were a summer gift, one I will always treasure. You were a dream I never wanted to wake up from. You opened my eyes to things I will never really see. You are the best thing that will ever happen to me.
ya'll bitches talk shit, but if i had a dick you'd be the first skeets to blow me. '<3
* see my haters tell'em hi <3

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