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Avatar since: 2006-02-22
Age: 33
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
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"Honestly lonely and bored so feel free to message me whenever you see me on"

See My Albums (2)

Hmmm let's see...HI! My name's Louis. I live in New York..my favorite colors are black and red or crimson if I MUST just pick one color, jeez. I like role playing, and playing video games. Doesn't get much deeper than that. I'm pretty random and stupid so if you don't like me...well that's your problem ^^. I like ANIME a lot! My numbah one favorite right now is One Piece. If you don't like One Piece, I hate you...but if you don't know about it then it doesn't matter. I'm a pretty anti-social person so if I don't talk much then you know why. Good news though! If I get to know you then I'm annoying as a monkey on a stick! If you don't know how annoying that it then you need to get out more ^^. Wow, big statement coming from a guy that doesn't go anywhere :P

Wow! What was I doing when I wrote that!? Did you read all the way to the end of this? DID YA?! If you did then congrats. You get to read more! HA! Thought you'd get a prize? Yeah right ya dumb shi-kamaru. Thats a Naruto character. Ya know. That guy thats all "This is so troublesome"? No? Well anyway. Only true fans (Haha I said fans) have read this far so ya know what? You still get nothing. It's not that easy folks. I'm tellin ya. If you're still readin you have problems cuz I'm tellin ya right now theres no prize. Like I'd waste my time on some dork who is readin all this in hopes of getting like a dollar or something. You want a prize? Here's a buck............

OH YOUR GOD! He just kicked you in the face! What? You thought I meant a one dollar bill? Yeah well that was your mistake. Now you have a hoof print on your face just cuz you HAD to keep reading. Great job ya tard muffin. Whats a tard muffin? Why ya askin me? I don't know. I just call people it. I just follow the rules. I don't make 'em. That'd be the rules of how to make a tard muffin if you were wondering.

OKAY! Woah, you actually read past the third freakin paragraph! Yeah thats right. That was not even the third paragraph. It was the third FREAKIN paragraph. It's just that special. Cuz 3 is a magic number. It has the power to fuse with another 3 and make an 8. What other number can do that? Exactly. None of them can. That's why here in Hokalspicania, we call 3 the DRAGONBALL Z Number. Or just Goku for short. Whats a Hokalspicania? Why my homeland of course. The place exist. Go look it up...............

I wonder how many monkeys actually went off to look it up just to prove me wrong. Well, before they get back let's continue shall we? For all of you who are still here, I have a present for you.......

That present is a short fifth paragraph. OWNED. You got owned. Now you've been owned and have a hoof print on your face. Jeez, you are rather persistent ain't ya? Guess what. I just spelled persistent wrong and then spell check corrected it. Firefox: For the win! If you don't have Firefox go get it! Stop reading and go get it now! In fact. I'm gonna failsafe it. If you don't have Firefox then you can't get the prize. Yep. I just tipped everyone off. There is INDEED a prize at the end of this whole long thing. I don't even know what this is. I guess it's a rant. I'm gonna go look up what a rant is................

Okay, I'm back. I didn't actually look it up. Yeah I made you pause for about .5 seconds to NOT go do something. You probably hate me and want to stop reading right now huh? You're sitting there like "This mother freaker just made me wait a whole god darned .5 seconds to go do something and he didn't even do it! Screw this dude!" and you're about to leave. GOOD! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE! BY THE WAY! THE BABY IS YOURS! Yeah but that blew your mind. The baby is yours and you don't even know who the mother and baby are. What? You're a girl. Well don't look at me ya lesbian. Gawd! Always tryin to stick your problems that I tell you you have on me. Selfish people. You know what selfish people get? The answer is a 5th paragraph if you couldn't guess. If you guessed anything else then leave.........

I wonder how many people left. Well for those of you who aren't retards, guess what! Theres still no prize. Anyone getting tired of that yet? Yeah, I bet you all are. You must really want this prize. You could be doing ANYTHING else but noooooooo. You just HAVE to get this prize. You don't even know what it is! What if it's something you already have? Like a two headed cyborg fish demon with two lazer (Yes "Lazer") cannons on its back? ....What? Not everyone has one? What do you mean I'm the only one who has one?! .....Well you guys are lame. For your birthday, I'll try to get you one. WARNING: Side effects include Death and Painful Lazer Drownings! What? Who put that sign there?! Firefox Spell check? Darn you. Darn you to heck! Whoever has Firefox, get rid of it now. Go and UN-download it off your computer.........................

Now that those people are gone we can get down to business. Thats right. The prize business. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse......

......In the next paragraph. Which is now. So I guess thats the THIS paragraph. Sorry about that. That's right. You are the worthy people who will get the prize. You, who have triumphed over all obstacles and tricks. You, who have passed where others failed. You, who are a supreme geek for reading this freakin far in such a pointless whatever-year old's bio thingy. This seriously must be 6 paragraphs long.......Oh wait, it is. Well whoever can tell me exactly how many pixels of my page this takes up wins the prize.....

Now that the SUPER geeks are gone theres only the cool awesome popular people left. Everyone loves cool awesome popular people. Even those hot horny cheerleaders in your yard, waiting to be taken by you.....

That gets rid of the popular people. I hate those guys. Now awesomely cool people are you ready? FOR THE PRIZE!?!?!?! Yeah the prize you've read all this way for. The prize is.....................

Free oxygen. Don't spend it all in one place. Hate me yet? Good

Woah woah woah! I smell a cheater! If you are just looking down here then you get NOTHING. You get no real prize! AT ALL! In fact. I place a curse on you. You're gonna die!......in 7 decades or so. Give or take a decade. Yeah. Sucks to be you!

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Division Are You In?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
You Are 52% Evil
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.
what kind of killer are you?

your a smart killer. you plan things out. you kow how, when and where the killings will take place. you make sher not to get caught and you never do. you dont see killing joy or fun its more of a hobbie or a pass-time. you do it becuz you can. and you do it in a good manner
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Relationship Status: Single
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Stephen Lynch is awesome! =D
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