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About Me
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Avatar since: 2006-03-28
السن: 74
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Hello, welcome to my world."

See My Albums (1)

Hi, everyone, my name is of course Karen. I'm married with children. I'm on here for family and friends. Like meeting new people. I'm enjoy life and live life to the fullest. I like to paint, do crafts, and many other things. I'm a chocolate nut and also love Mocha Frappacino's from Starbucks (it's my weakness). LOL. I love giving gifts to friends but hate beggar's so if you come to beg, forget it because I will know the difference. I give randomly as when I feel inclined to do so. So don't ask for credits or gifts. I'm loyal to my friends. I have many friends as developers and please be kind to them and leave them gifts too. Developers like special gifts too and being surprised. Have a nice day or evening as you read this. If you want to know more about me, just ask.
Relationship Status: Married
Contact Me
myspace, glitter graphics Leave me a message or if you want to chat. If I don't get back with you right away it means I'm doing something else or I'm away from my computer. Sometimes I have my don't distrub message on when I'm going to be gone for a short while. Have a nice day and hope to chat or hear from my friends.
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My Wish List
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics This is my wishlist of things I would like to have someday. I leave this list as a reminder for me to get it. If you want to leave me a gift, I would greatly like it for everyone likes to be given something special sometimes. If you don't want to leave a gift that's okay but kindly leave a message then. I love those just as well. Thanks~~~~~Please don't buy me any stickers for I'm selective on which ones I put on my page. If you buy a sticker it might not end up on my page. If a sticker is in my wishlist, then it's okay to buy me one for it's one that I will use on my page. Thanks Again.
True Red BlissWingsblur wingspink and red wingsspacer

هل تريد عدم رؤية هذه الإعلانات؟ انضم لبرنامج VIP!
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