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Avatar since: 2007-06-26
Age: 42 18+ Age Verified تم تأكيد السن
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
آخر دخول للموقع:

"All I see is Purrrfection"

See My Albums (1)

IMVU Homepage Layouts
IMVU Layouts
Vampire Knight Kaname Kuran IMVU Layouts
I get my anime imvu layouts from ProfileBrand.com.
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
Contact Me
Special Someone
He has been there for me through thick and thin. He is not only a great love of mine but he is a great friend. We have been through a lot in the past few years and have come to care for one another. This past September we did marry one another and in November we added a new addition to our family! I love having his shoulder to cry on, or his ear to vent to. Hurt him and you will wish you were dead!
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My Wish List
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I rarely have anything on my Wish List. If I do, dont buy me something if you automatically expect to get something in return. For one its not polite and for two I normally will just randomly get someone something anyways so wait your turn.

Butt ResizerG* Legs & Thighs ResizerHip Resizer 115%! COUNTRY SLEEVELESS^MQ^ BADB ^W^
!Samantha Outfit :V1:[ID] Delight black si GA[DC]LoveInMyArmsTorture Dungeon[T] My Simple Dress
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